How do I opt out of Mozilla Monitor?

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Mozilla Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak. Using the Have I Been Pwned database, Mozilla Monitor keeps track of known data breaches and notifies you if your online accounts are compromised, providing guidance on how to proactively protect yourself going forward.

Note: Note: To have your exposures automatically removed and a monthly automated scan you can subscribe to the premium feature: Monitor Plus.

Once you sign in to Mozilla Monitor with a Mozilla account, you can monitor additional email addresses and those can be removed from Mozilla Monitor. However, to stop monitoring your primary email address, you will need to delete your Mozilla account. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your Mozilla account.
  3. At the Mozilla Monitor dashboard, on the left-hand side, click the Settings option.
    Monitor settings
  4. Click the Go to Mozilla account settings option under Deactivate account.
    Go to Mozilla account
  5. At your Mozilla account settings page, scroll down until you see the Delete account button. Select it and confirm the prompts to proceed.
    Warning: Performing this action, you will delete your Mozilla account, along with all information it contains. Moving forward with the account deletion can affect all Mozilla services connected to this account.

All set! You've opted out of Mozilla Monitor and won't receive breach alerts moving forward.

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