firefox will not download any vids from any site..why and help!
this happens with annoying regularity. i want to download a vid but i do not get the pop up download option. i clear my cache and all software is up to date. NOTE: videos will download on EXPLORER but not on FIREFOX.
why does this keep happening and how can i fix it?
help please.
windows 7 64 bit
All Replies (3)
Hi Joe, some other users have reported that the Real Downloader is not working in Firefox 22. If you have updated it and it still doesn't work, you might consider using a different downloader. I don't have any personal recommendations on that, but you can check out the reviews on the add-ons site:
thanks. i have over 3000 vids on realplayer now and want to keep them all in one place.
i dont get why this problem KEEPS coming up..this must be the 5th or 6th time in 18 months this has happened. i love firefox but i hate this incomapibility stuff always making my experience bad.
again thanks
Try using a different downloader. I am using an extension called Video Downloadhelper, which works on many video sites.