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Hladajće so wobšudstwa pomocy. Njenamołwimy was ženje, telefonowe čisło zawołać, SMS pósłać abo wosobinske informacije přeradźić. Prošu zdźělće podhladnu aktiwitu z pomocu nastajenja „Znjewužiwanje zdźělić“.

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  • 1 wotmołwa
  • 34 ma tutón problem
  • 12 napohladow
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Is there a way to remove the "Show All Bookmarks" and "Unsorted Bookmarks" links on the Bookmarks menu, or at the very least, move them so they're not the top and bottom? It was much easier in my opinion if you could just have the very top of the bookmarks menu be "Add Bookmark".

Is there a way to remove the "Show All Bookmarks" and "Unsorted Bookmarks" links on the Bookmarks menu, or at the very least, move them so they're not the top and bottom? It was much easier in my opinion if you could just have the very top of the bookmarks menu be "Add Bookmark".

Wšě wotmołwy (1)

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Add code to userChrome.css below the @namespace line.

You can use the ChromEdit Plus or Stylish extension to have easier access to the customization files.

@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */

#bookmarksShowAll, #organizeBookmarksSeparator,
#BMB_bookmarksShowAll, #BMB_bookmarksShowAll+menuseparator,
#appmenu_showAllBookmarks, #appmenu_showAllBookmarks+menuseparator,
#appmenu_bookmarksPopup menuseparator[builder="end"],
#bookmarksMenuPopup menuseparator[builder="end"],
#BMB_bookmarksPopup menuseparator[builder="end"],
#BMB_unsortedBookmarks { display:none!important; }

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