Add search engines in Firefox Focus for iOS

Dotal njeje něchtó pomhał, tutón nastawk přełožować. Jeli hižo wěsće, kak so na SUMO přełožuje, započńće hnydom přełožować. Jeli chceće wuknyć, kak móžeće nastawki za SUMO přełožować, započńće prošu tu.

This page describes some new features in Firefox Focus. If your Firefox Focus looks different, don't fret, you'll be able to get the new version soon.

Firefox Focus comes with built-in search engines, but you can also add new ones:

  1. Tap the menu button at the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Under the Search section, tap Search Engine
  4. Tap Add another search engine.
  5. Give your search engine a name in the Name to display field.
  6. In the Search string to use field, enter the link to your search query.
  7. Tap Save to keep your changes.
  8. Tap the back arrow to return to the previous screen.

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