Fire Fox not compatible with updated PG&E website
Hello, PG&E just updated their webpage and it doesn't allow me to sign in. It informs me that Fire Fox isn't a compatible browser, all other websites are fine. It suggests Chrome as the preferred browser. We pay our utilities through their site and we enjoy Fire Fox.Can anyone help resolve this issue? Thanks
כל התגובות (9)
I installed Chrome Mask as suggested, then turned it one, went to www.pge.com/, clicked the Sign In button, which took me to https://m.pge.com/, accepted strictly necessary cookies, and then a blank screen. With Edge and Chrome, the next page is the actual sign-in screen. I verified the Chrome Mask was one, but evidently it is not working as expected. Running Firebox 129.0.2 on Windows 10 64-bit host.
You can check the Web Console for relevant-looking messages.
The blank screen described above is the symptom with or without Chrome Mask, it seems, I haven't attempted Chrome Mask. I do experience the blank screen.
The PGE site has complained that FireFox is unsupported for at least a year, however, one could log in and pay bills. PGE announced a website update recently and now the blank screen presents rather than the sign in dialog.
This is a big deal right FireFox shouldn't allow itself to be locked out?
Did you check the Web Console Like I posted above?
Did you check for issues with Total Cookie Protection?
It seems like they've decided to just give a middle finger to people using Firefox now. Straight up "unsupported" dialog on main loading page with no way to X out of it even though the site loaded fine, albeit with the warnings, days prior.
השתנתה ב־
tjf has it. I called their 800 number and filed a complaint. Their excuse is that Firefox is abandoned software and gets no security updates (ummm ... news at 11 ... I got 3 sets of updates just in October ... which I informed the phone person of stridently). Basically, they accept only Chrome or Edge on computers, Chrome on Android, and Safari on iPhone.
I was, after all that, able to click through and log in to get my back bills. Whether that will work next time, or whether my credit union's bill pay will keep working (had to switch to direct autopay by the vendor at AT&T and insurance because they don't accept bank bill pay any more).
PG&E is a utility, and should know better. I'm going to file a complaint with the PUC, and invite anybody else who's been hit by this (based on a lie) problem to also do so.
My credit union is doing something like that too. Logging in with FF kicks me into a captcha that goes nowhere (but I can log in from their main page again after doing it and backing up). Their providers for other services have blocked all but Chrome/Edge before.
I have filed a complaint with the California Public Utility Commission about PGE's decision to block Firefox from use on their site. I suggest that everyone with this problem file a complaint. https://cims.cpuc.ca.gov/complaints
I just tried using User Agent Switcher, and I can access the website. I set to user-agent to:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 GLS/100.10.9939.100
This means that PGE is actively blocking Firefox, not that Firefox fails to support features.
I had these experiences 20 years ago, with websites deciding that they would block anything which they hadn't tested. I can't believe this is a thing again.