found old phone still using Lockwise
I just discovered that the android phone (Samsung A71) I am currently using was in fact still using Lockwise for Auto Fill.
How do I force this old copy of Lockwise to do a final sync before I uninstall it. I do know that at least some of the passwords stored in it are up to date. At this time, I DO NOT have access to a PC. I DO have access to a more recent android phone (Samsung A53 5G) that DOES NOT have Lockwise installed and is using the most up-to-date version of FireFox for Android.
Also is firefox typed out in lowercase or one of these ways: "Firefox" or "FireFox"? I have a habit of camelcasing some computer terms left over from my days as a UNIX Administrator (AT&T Bell Labs versions and not any BSD versions) and want to know the proper way to type it (from the horse's mouth so to speak).
An gyara
All Replies (1)
Hi Dave
The correct form is Firefox.
Lockwise has not been supported for a few years now and will not sync. You will need to copy and paste date from the app into another app such as a blank document or email to preserve and move the data.
I hope that this helps.