Firefox will not sync properly
I can spend 30-45 minutes sorting and cleaning my bookmarks, but Sync does not recognize this. It does not delete files as I do. So instead of updating my bookmarks after I delete and sort them, I end up with multiple duplicates. Same goes when I try and sync or update my phone of laptop, I end up with so many extra bookmarks (Many duplicates and triplicates). Sync seems to only work one way, It adds bookmarks and folders I add, it sorts them as I do, But it does not delete anything as I do. Sync should operate on the most resent changes made to my bookmarks not just keep adding and adding. I have tried many times to clean my bookmarks, but as soon as I press sync it adds back everything I deleted. Absolutely terrible. I am about to go to Opera or another platform (browser as well as email) ... an to think that I am one of the few who has actually supported and contributed to your organization and efforts... Please Fix! Thank you!