The download button in Quantum no longer does anything. It use to show you your downloads. Why isn't it working?
The download button in Quantum no longer does anything. It use to show you your downloads. Why isn't it working? It just turns dark grey, which I'm not even sure what that is doing. But before quantum you could click it to see like your current downloads in a little window without having to bring up your entire download history. Am I missing something obvious? How do I get the quick click and little box back?
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(Part of a common response: )
In order to customize all your favorite functions, you can use the ‘Customize’ setting in the new menu. See the Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars article for more info.
Where is the Downloads button?
The Downloads button is not shown by default, but will appear when you download a file from the web. If you want to permanently add it to the toolbar, follow the steps in this article to find and add it to the toolbar.
(Additionally: )
When in Customize mode, you can tick or untick the Auto-hide checkbox shown when clicking the Downloads button on the toolbar to have it displayed permanently or not. When displayed or clicked in regular mode, you should still be able to choose Show all downloads, which brings you to all downloads previously performed regardless of any downloads for that session.
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