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In the last couple of days I've been unable to login to my virginmedia accounts using firefox, all other browers work fine, I can enter details no trouble but as soon as … (read more)

In the last couple of days I've been unable to login to my virginmedia accounts using firefox, all other browers work fine, I can enter details no trouble but as soon as I press the blue button on their page nothing happens, cleared cookies and data for virgin but didnt help.

Asked by mwck64 11 minutes ago


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Asked by {{7*7}} {{7*'7'}} 36 minutes ago

Last reply by {{7*7}} {{7*'7'}} 17 minutes ago

Firefox View Open Tabs is EMPTY!

Firefox View Open Tabs is my favorite feature. I (used to) use it daily, but now, even though I have NUMEROUS windows (over 40) and multiple tabs in many of those windows… (read more)

Firefox View Open Tabs is my favorite feature. I (used to) use it daily, but now, even though I have NUMEROUS windows (over 40) and multiple tabs in many of those windows, View Open Tabs is completely empty. I'd very much like to restore that 'index' without losing all those pages/tabs (it's my reading & ToDo list).

Sometime recently, I found it using gobs of CPU even though Javascript was (and still is) disabled, so I found the top CPU process and killed it. Instead of a single page going blank, Firefox crashed. Sometime after that I noticed that View Open Tabs was no longer populating. Maybe that contributed or instigated the dysfunction?

Asked by darkskyanarchy 2 hours ago

Unable to sign in Qobuz from few days ago

I was unable to sign in Qobuz from yesterday. I have been using Firefox ver 115 to play streaming music from Qobuz on my Windows 8.1 PC as its sound quality is better t… (read more)

I was unable to sign in Qobuz from yesterday. I have been using Firefox ver 115 to play streaming music from Qobuz on my Windows 8.1 PC as its sound quality is better than other browsers. Yesterday, I found nothing happened after clicked the SIGN IN button on Qobuz's login page, however I had no problem using Google Chorme to login.

So I uninstalled/re-installed Firefox, and tried different older/newer versions, still didn't work.

I tried another PC running Windows 10, with Firefox ver 124.0.2, got the problem.

Please fix the problem ASAP, Firefox team. Thanks.

Its purer sound is the main reason I use firefox, instead of other browsers.

Asked by s2222440 4 hours ago

Last reply by Agent virtuel 2 hours ago

Recaptcha Not Working in Firefox Specifically.

Recaptcha isn't working in Firefox. It works in Chrome, Opera, and Edge with no issues, it will either just go to a check mark or open the window with the pictures to cho… (read more)

Recaptcha isn't working in Firefox. It works in Chrome, Opera, and Edge with no issues, it will either just go to a check mark or open the window with the pictures to choose, on both regular pages and on the Google Recaptcha Demo site Google Recaptcha Demo site. But when I load a page that requires Recaptcha in Firefox, it just spins forever. It was working fine a few hours ago, and I didn't change any settings or anything in Firefox. I was filling out a job application and it worked fine, then I went to another job application and Recaptcha won't work at all, even on the Recaptcha Demo site.

I'm on version 125.0.3 (64-bit), on Windows 10. Not using a VPN or anything like that, just a standard Ethernet connection, with whatever Charter gives me.

Steps I've tried, none of which have helped:

1. Cleared Cookies. 2. Restart Browser. 3. Restart Computer. 4. Restart Modem and Router. 5. Opening Firefox in troubleshooting mode. 6. Ensured Firefox was up to date. 7. Reinstalling Firefox. 8. Turned Connection Settings to no proxy. 9. Turned off Enhanced Tracking Protection. (It's set on standard otherwise, and I didn't change it) 10. Release/Renew IP via Command Prompt.

I'm genuinely at a loss of what to do, after a couple of hours of searching around for solutions. I don't get how it just stopped working in the span of like ten minutes when I didn't change any settings or anything. Firefox is my main browser and it would be a tremendous pain to have to use another browser for any pages that require Recaptcha.

Any assistance or advice to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated!

Asked by coolman50002001 1 day ago

Last reply by im317 3 hours ago


Today May 1, I noticed that any website that shows a recaptcha checkbox, including the google recaptcha demo ( only shows an in… (read more)

Today May 1, I noticed that any website that shows a recaptcha checkbox, including the google recaptcha demo ( only shows an infinite spinner in firefox v125.0.3. I've tried the same sites in chrome and edge and the recaptcha works fine. In FF, I have cleared my cache, disabled tracking protection, disabled anti-virus and tried troubleshooting mode - still get the infinite spinner. Last week, I had no problems with recaptcha.

Asked by bill340 1 day ago

Last reply by James 4 hours ago

Google ReCAPTCHA is not working on all websites

Google ReCaptcha is not working on literally all websites. Once I click on checkbox "I'm not a robot" It gets stuck on infinite loop. Although working on Mac OS in Firefo… (read more)

Google ReCaptcha is not working on literally all websites. Once I click on checkbox "I'm not a robot" It gets stuck on infinite loop. Although working on Mac OS in Firefox and Chrome or any other browsers. The issue is primarily with Windows version

I already tried clearing cookies, cache, disabling Tracking Protection, adding sites to DNS white list

Environment: OS Windows 11 Version 23H2, Firefox 125.0.3 For testing used:

Asked by Maxim L 23 hours ago

Last reply by sotb 4 hours ago

reCAPTCHA no longer working ONLY on Firefox, tried everything!

Whenever i encounter a reCAPTCHA, and click "i am not a robot", the wheel keeps spinning and spinning and spinning. I never get to the screen where i have to verify image… (read more)

Whenever i encounter a reCAPTCHA, and click "i am not a robot", the wheel keeps spinning and spinning and spinning. I never get to the screen where i have to verify images or a check mark. Just started happening randomly.

I've spent hours searching. Tried every single solution-new profile, erased firefox and reinstalled, troubleshoot mode, firefox refresh, turned tracking protection off, changed network settings, reset wifi adapter, you name it i tried it. I need to get past reCAPTCHA's for work. Getting so frustrated. Please help!

One important point-the only other browser i have on my laptop is Microsoft edge and it' works perfectly on Edge!

Asked by wsandhu1 16 hours ago

Last reply by James 4 hours ago

Captcha partly loads, spins at tick box, does not time out.

Hi, I can't use Firefox because a captcha won't complete loading. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared cache and disabled add ons. I am using a vpn (PIA). Chrom… (read more)

Hi, I can't use Firefox because a captcha won't complete loading. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared cache and disabled add ons. I am using a vpn (PIA). Chrome and Edge both load and operate OK. Thanks in advance.

Captchas are an ongoing issue. Firefox seems to have a LOT more captchas than other browsers. Is there a problem between Mozilla and Google?

Asked by Brenton Roy 2 days ago

Last reply by cor-el 6 hours ago

Cannot get pass recaptcha

Hello, there seem to be a recaptcha issue - it was working yesterday, and today it doesn't. Here are the sites you can try to reproduce the issue: https://www.uniquega… (read more)


there seem to be a recaptcha issue - it was working yesterday, and today it doesn't. Here are the sites you can try to reproduce the issue: And it looks like it's only happening in the US. Firefox version: 125.0.3 (64-bit) Please advise

Asked by Marina 14 hours ago

Last reply by cor-el 13 hours ago

Space bar not working.

Problem with using space bar when trying to post replies on YT or other sites. Can key text, but space bar does not work. On Google search page, can get only one space be… (read more)

Problem with using space bar when trying to post replies on YT or other sites. Can key text, but space bar does not work. On Google search page, can get only one space between words. Tried 2 different keyboards w/same problem. Doesn't seem to happen on Chrome or Safari. Re-installed Firefox with same results. Any thoughts, please? Thank you.

Asked by fullyladenswallow 1 day ago

Last reply by fullyladenswallow 8 hours ago

Login problem

I deleted the old user names and passwords associated with my bank account. Now I can no longer login to my bank acct using Firefox. Only with another browser. I tried t… (read more)

I deleted the old user names and passwords associated with my bank account. Now I can no longer login to my bank acct using Firefox. Only with another browser.

I tried to uninstall then reinstall Firefox but the problem continues. What to do now to login to my bank account?

Asked by chcats 10 hours ago

Last reply by chcats 9 hours ago

Extremely High Ram Usage

Hello Support, 5-1-2024 First Time in a decade I've had to contact support. Please TELL me why there are 13 instances of firefox running at the same time. It is take so… (read more)

Hello Support, 5-1-2024 First Time in a decade I've had to contact support. Please TELL me why there are 13 instances of firefox running at the same time. It is take so much memory up and really slowing my machine down on the internet also. Tell me how to fix otherwise I will have to switch to a different web browser. I realy love firefox and have been using since It was released. I really Don't want to switch Browers but this is to much any more. It has become much worse than a Year ago. I do Not have any addons or extension installed now, I don't use them enough to install. Thank you for your help in this BIG HOG memory problem.

Asked by customhitcher 1 day ago

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 9 hours ago

  • Solved

Web site not answering

I am trying to connect to a website but I keep getting error code 522. I've tried using Chrome and it connects to the website with no problem. I've checked my privacy s… (read more)

I am trying to connect to a website but I keep getting error code 522. I've tried using Chrome and it connects to the website with no problem. I've checked my privacy settings and I do not have that website blocked. What else can I check?

Asked by w5513 11 hours ago

Answered by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 11 hours ago

Weird fonts Wing Dings??

I keep hitting sites where menus and selection boxes turn into unreadable Wing Dings? On W11 and cleared and rest the font cache in Windows and still repeatedly seeing th… (read more)

I keep hitting sites where menus and selection boxes turn into unreadable Wing Dings? On W11 and cleared and rest the font cache in Windows and still repeatedly seeing the issue?

Asked by Doug Sooley 14 hours ago

Last reply by Doug Sooley 12 hours ago

McAfee Intrusions

Lately, when I'm on a website and click into an article to read, suddenly the McAfee anti-virus ad or whatever you call intrudes and takes over the browser page I'm on an… (read more)

Lately, when I'm on a website and click into an article to read, suddenly the McAfee anti-virus ad or whatever you call intrudes and takes over the browser page I'm on and won't allow me to navigate way or stop it unless I close the browser tab and/or navigate away from the page all together.

Why is this happening? Is it something in the my particular browser? If yes, how can I remove and prevent this from happening?

Is it something that is occurring on the server of the site I'm visiting? Should I notify them what is happening?

Any help and advice greatly appreciated. It is very annoying. I don't have McAfee installed and it's not a pop-up, it happens within the browser page itself.

Thank you,


Asked by Martin Brown 15 hours ago

Last reply by cor-el 12 hours ago