What is a Mozilla Backpack?

Dotal njeje něchtó pomhał, tutón nastawk přełožować. Jeli hižo wěsće, kak so na SUMO přełožuje, započńće hnydom přełožować. Jeli chceće wuknyć, kak móžeće nastawki za SUMO přełožować, započńće prošu tu.

Earn badges from anywhere. Then take them everywhere.

Your Mozilla Backpack makes it easy to earn badges from multiple sources, both online and offline, then sort them into categories and choose where they’re shared, through a single interface.

Badges stored in your Backpack are private by default, meaning they are visible only to you - unless you want to show them off! By managing your badges in your Mozilla Backpack, you can create meaningful collections and display your badges on social networking and job sites.

Je tutón nastawk wužitny był?

Prošu čakajće…

Slědowacy wulkotni ludźo su pomhali, tutón nastawk pisać:

Illustration of hands


Rosćće a dźělće swoju kompetencu z druhimi. Wotmołwće na prašenja a polěpšće našu wědowu datowu banku.

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