Using Lightning with Google Calendar

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  • Revision id: 221154
  • Created:
  • Creator: Matt
  • Comment: A work in progress, hopefully someone else knows more.
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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This article describes how to configure Google calendarsin Thunderbird. You can use Google calendars in a number of ways. You can have read-only access to calendars using the ical files google provide links to or you can use a read/write calendar set up using the caldav standard or you can use one of the addons that prodice enhanced features.

Google instructions

Google provide instructions on their web site here where they discuss using the calendar with other applications and here they provide instructions that discuss making your calendar public. What appears to be missing is how to actually get the information to use your Google calendar with the other application.

  1. Using your web browser navigate to thegoogle calendar
  2. On the top right click on the The image used in Google Calendar for settings. then settings
  3. Click on the name of the calendar you want to include in THunderbird on the left.
  4. SCroll down to the heading Integrate calendar

Read access

If you only need read-access to a Google calendar, locate the entry titled "Secret Adress in ical format"and click on the rectangular image at the end of the "hidden" entry to copy the link to the clipboard. ScreenCap of Google settings Now follow the instruction to add a new iCanlendar (ICS) in the aarticle Creating New Calendars Where you are told to Enter the URL in the Location field press Ctrl+V to paste the secret link you copied from google into the dialog.

Read and write access


CalDAV is a standards method if sychronising calendars and is supported by many online calenadar providers including Google. Unfortunately this process is not as simple as read only as google do not adsvertise the link. You have to assemble the link using the follow link as a basis.

The basic link used does not vary, what does vary is the calendar id show within the link above in italics. Google do provide the calendar Id for every calendar as well at the very begining of the "Integrate Calendar" section of their settings. calendarID Google

Using text editor, copy the calendarid into the base link and then folow the nstructions in Creating New Calendars for CalDAv on the netwrk.

Addon Provider for Google Calendar

The Provider predates Google Calendar's CalDAV support and was initially recommended because it was more stable. However, CalDAV support has improved with time and now offers a pretty complete Google Calendar experience. For some people, the Provider for Google Calendar works better than CalDAV. The Provider for Google Calendar also allows access to Google's task lists and there are some extra features in the Provider not available via CalDAV, for example setting EMAIL reminders. It is also easier to set up, a graphical calendar picker is available.

The addon can be obtained by opening the addon manager from Thunderbir menu and seraching for provider. Once it is listed simply click the add to Thunderbird button.