Set Firefox as the default browser for iOS

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 206088
  • Created:
  • Creator: Angela Lazar
  • Comment: Do not approve until iOS 29
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
Revision Source
Revision Content

Starting with iOS 14, Apple now allows you to change the default browser on your iOS device, to use this feature you need to be using Firefox for iOS version 29 or higher.

On older versions, you cannot change the default browser but you can send pages from Safari to Firefox. Another option is to turn off Safari from the privacy settings.

Set Firefox as default browser

To set Firefox as the default browser on your iOS device, you must must have iOS 14 (or higher) and Firefox for iOS version 29 (or higher).
  1. Visit the App Settings for the Firefox app. Go to Settings and scroll down until you see Firefox in the list of apps.
  2. Under ALLOW FIREFOX TO ACCESS, tap Default Browser App and select Firefox.
  3. iOS will prompt to confirm that websites or email addresses will be opened in Firefox, this disappears once you confirm it the first time.

Send pages from Safari to Firefox

  1. From Safari, tap the share icon share button ios at the bottom of the screen to bring up the share menu. (Note: You can also long-press on a link on a page to bring up the share menu.)
    share button ios full
  2. Choose Firefox as the destination in the share menu.
    send to firefox ios
  3. If Firefox is not listed in the options, tap the More button in the first row of the share menu.
    more button ios
  4. Tap the switch next to Firefox to enable it.
    add firefox share ios
Tip: Drag Firefox to the beginning of the share panel so it appears first on the list.

If you would like to see this change in the future, please leave feedback for Apple on their site: Apple feedback.

Turn off Safari in Privacy Settings

  1. Tap the Settings icon on your device.
  2. Select Screen Time and then Content & Privacy Restrictions.
  3. Select Allowed Apps, then slide the switch next to Safari to enable or disable it switchonios.
Note: Disabling the Safari browser may cause some links to not open by default and need to be shared to Firefox (see above steps). Some apps which have a "Open in Safari" option may not work and need the link to be copied into Firefox.