Rate your Firefox experience, surveys and out of date messages (Heartbeat)

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 192311
  • Created:
  • Creator: AliceWyman
  • Comment: purged pre-fx60 content
  • Reviewed: Yes
  • Reviewed:
  • Reviewed by: AliceWyman
  • Is approved? Yes
  • Is current revision? No
  • Ready for localization: Yes
  • Readied for localization:
  • Readied for localization by: AliceWyman
Revision Source
Revision Content

Mozilla is working hard to improve Firefox and we need your help to make this happen. As you use Firefox, you may be selected to rate your experience. Your feedback gives us a real-time understanding of your needs so we can act on them quickly. We also use Heartbeat to send surveys on Mozilla products, the Internet or current events relevant to users. You may also see a notification from Heartbeat if you are running a version of Firefox that is critically out of date.

Please Rate Firefox prompt

The "Please Rate Firefox" prompt will show up for a small sample of users. If you see this prompt, simply select a star rating and Firefox will report it back to Mozilla.


After you rate Firefox, a new tab will open with additional resources for common issues and new features so you can get help right away.

Out of date message

If you start Firefox and see a notification bar with a Heartbeat HeartbeatIcon icon, the message Your Firefox is critically out of date. An update is required to stay secure and an Update Now button, you should click Update Now to download and install the most recent Firefox version.
This message is shown when an outdated version of Firefox exposes you to a serious security risk.

Opting out

You can change your settings if you prefer never to see these prompts or messages:

  1. Type about:config in the address bar and press EnterReturn.
    A warning page may appear. Click Accept the Risk and Continue to go to the about:config page.
  2. Find the preference app.normandy.enabled.
  3. Set the preference value to false by double-clicking on itclicking the Toggle Fx71aboutconfig-ToggleButton button.

What happens with my feedback?

Your feedback is aggregated and reported back to the teams responsible for developing and improving Firefox. Your feedback will be used to develop new features and fix issues in upcoming releases.

How else can I improve Firefox?

  • Report issues through Bugzilla.
  • Share feedback about Firefox through Input. Please mention heartbeat in your comment.