W Firefox za Android beta pytać

Tutón nastawk so hižo njewothladuje, jeho wobsah móhł tuž zestarjeny być.

Tutón nastawk so jenož na eksperimentelnu wersiju Firefox za Android (Beta/Nightly dotal Firefox Preview) poćahuje, kotraž so hižo njepodpěruje. Prošu sćehńće podpěranu wersiju Firefox za Android wot Google Play store

You can browse and navigate to any web page in Firefox Preview like you would in any other browser.

To search for web pages in Firefox Preview:

  1. Tap the address bar on the Firefox Preview Home screen.
  2. Enter a keyword, phrase or URL in the address bar. You'll see search suggestions based on your previously visited sites or popular searches (if enabled).

Z hłosom pytać

  1. Podótkńće so adresoweho pola na startowej wobrazowce Firefox Preview.
  2. Podótkńće so symbola mikrofona naprawo.
  3. Prajće swoje pytanske wurazy wótře, hdyž was namołwjeja.


  • Search suggestions will display as you type if the Show search suggestions toggle was turned on previously. See How to manage search engines in Firefox for Android Beta for additional information on how to turn on search suggestions.
  • Tap Shortcuts below to change the default search engine.

Slědowacy wulkotni ludźo su pomhali, tutón nastawk pisać:

Illustration of hands


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