How to hide the tab strip when you only have one tab

Tutón nastawk so hižo njewothladuje, jeho wobsah móhł tuž zestarjeny być.

This article applies to older versions of Firefox (Firefox version 56 and below).

Firefox no longer has a setting for hiding the tab strip when you only have one tab but there is an add-on you can download to change this.

  1. Go to the Hide Tab Bar With One Tab page on the Add-ons website.
  2. Click the Add to Firefox button and it will begin to download.
  3. Click Install when prompted to start the installation.
  4. Finally click Restart Now when it pops up. Your open tabs will be restored after the restart.

Now when you only have one tab, the tab strip will be automatically hidden.

Slědowacy wulkotni ludźo su pomhali, tutón nastawk pisać:

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