I'm inspired! How can I teach others to make the web?

Tutón nastawk so hižo njewothladuje, jeho wobsah móhł tuž zestarjeny być.


Our mentor community is growing strong and is a great way to make a real impact.

We also have a range of Teaching Kits at webmaker.org/teach that are filled with information and resources for you and your team.

Each Teaching Kit includes information on icebreakers, introductions, hacking tutorials, demonstrations, feedback opportunities and more that is sure to make your event a success.

Want to create your own Teaching Kit?

We have templates for you at webmaker.org/teach-templates

Slědowacy wulkotni ludźo su pomhali, tutón nastawk pisać:

Illustration of hands


Rosćće a dźělće swoju kompetencu z druhimi. Wotmołwće na prašenja a polěpšće našu wědowu datowu banku.

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