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Joowukaayu Web bu Windows, Mac ak Linux

Firefox bu Android
Joowukaayu Web bu smaartfon ak tableti Android

Firefox ngir iOS
Firefox ngir telefoni iPhone, iPad ak iPod touch

Mozilla VPN
VPN for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS devices

Firefox Relay
Service that lets you create email masks to hide your real email address

Mozilla Monitor
Find out if your private information has been exposed in a known data breach

Discover and save stories for later

MDN Plus
MDN Plus provides a custom user experience for MDN supporters

Firefox Focus
Automatic privacy browser and content blocker

Firefox for Enterprise
Firefox Quantum for businesses

Losiselu imeel ngir Windows, Mac ak Linux

Thunderbird for Android
Email app for Android smartphones and tablets
Featured Articles
dëm ci mayu Mozilla ak sama compte firefox
Kompt Firefox dòne ne yòone bu wör të yomb pour jàarinio ci ay màyu Mozilla ci bëp téléfôn. jâaggal näka nâay defarè kompt tëy di jàafàandiko çi màyi so düggé.
Fäne leu ngiiy dévelopé waleu dëm
Da nge am latié ci wàalu déwelopmàa web? Da nge soxla ndìimbëel ci déwelopeur yi? Ndàw dewelopeur wëb wu Mozilla àmañu bëep ndimbàal boy soxla pour tahawàl site bu gëene.
Naka lay talé wéruyage bu téléfone sistém Firefox
Téléfone yiy dox ak sistému Firefox daniuuy andaak liggéy buy mëna wéruyé téléfon bi ci tang-tang bi saboko jëfane duwuul.

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