I can't watch any videos on pw.live on linux.
So, There's this website called pw.live and I use it for study purposes. And I've recently switched to linux and installed firefox. But that website loads but any videos… (pročitajte više)
So, There's this website called pw.live and I use it for study purposes. And I've recently switched to linux and installed firefox. But that website loads but any videos or live streams don't. Even though it works perfectly fine on Windows version of firefox.
I tried to search about this and it may be because the content is DRM protected. I'm just speculating though it may be broken for some very different reason. I also looked into solutions to fix DRM related issues. And found some solutions but the plugin Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc. just doesn't exist in the plugins tab. There is only "OpenH264 Video Codec" there. And I think that might be the problem.
Thanks in advance.