إزالة الصفحات التى تم زيارتها مؤخرا وتاريخ البحث والتحميل

(Redirected from Clear Recent History)
Firefox Firefox تاريخ الإنشاء: 89% of users voted this helpful

As you browse the web, Firefox helpfully remembers lots of information for you – sites you've visited, files you've downloaded and more. All of this information is called your history. However, if you are using a public computer or share a computer with someone, you may not want others to be able to see these kinds of things.

This article explains what information is stored in your history and gives you step-by-step ways to clear all or part of it. To temporarily have Firefox not store any history, see التصفح الخاص - استخدم فايرفوكس دون حفظ تأريخ التصفح.

What things are included in my history?

  • Browsing & Download History: Browsing history is the list of sites you've visited that are shown in the History menu, the Library window's History list, and the Location bar autocomplete's address list. Download history is the list of files you've downloaded that are shown in the Downloads window.
  • Form & Search Bar History: Form history includes the items you've entered into web page forms for Form autocomplete. Search Bar history includes items you've entered into Firefox's Search bar.
  • Cookies: Cookies store information about websites you visit, such as site preferences or login status. This includes information and site preferences stored by plugins such as Adobe Flash. Cookies can also be used by third parties to track you across sites. For more info about tracking, see كيف يمكنني تشغيل ميزة عدم التعقب.
    Note: In order to clear cookies set by Flash you must be using the latest version. See Updating Flash for instructions.
  • Cache: The cache stores temporary files, such as web pages and other online media, that Firefox downloaded from the Internet to speed up loading of pages and sites you've already seen.
  • Active Logins: If you have logged in to a website that uses HTTP authentication since you most recently opened Firefox, that site is considered "active". Clearing this logs you out of those sites.
  • Site Preferences: Site-specific preferences, including the saved zoom level for sites, character encoding, and the permissions for sites (like pop-up blocker exceptions) described in the Page Info window.
  • Browsing & Download History: Browsing history is the list of sites you've visited that are shown in the History menu, the Library window's History list, and the Location bar autocomplete's address list. Download history is the list of files you've downloaded that are shown in the Downloads window.
  • Form & Search Bar History: Form history includes the items you've entered into web page forms for Form autocomplete. Search Bar history includes items you've entered into Firefox's Search bar.
  • Cookies: Cookies store information about websites you visit, such as site preferences or login status. This includes information and site preferences stored by plugins such as Adobe Flash. Cookies can also be used by third parties to track you across sites. For more info about tracking, see كيف يمكنني تشغيل ميزة عدم التعقب.
    Note: In order to clear cookies set by Flash you must be using the latest version. See Updating Flash for instructions.
  • Cache: The cache stores temporary files, such as web pages and other online media, that Firefox downloaded from the Internet to speed up loading of pages and sites you've already seen.
  • Active Logins: If you have logged in to a website that uses HTTP authentication since you most recently opened Firefox, that site is considered "active". Clearing this logs you out of those sites.
  • Offline Website Data: If you've allowed it, a website can store files on your computer so that you can continue to use it when you are not connected to the Internet.
  • Site Preferences: Site-specific preferences, including the saved zoom level for sites, character encoding, and the permissions for sites (like pop-up blocker exceptions) described in the Page Info window.

How do I clear my history?

  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button, go over to the History menu and select Clear Recent History....
    For Windows XP: At the top of the Firefox window, click the Tools menu and select Clear Recent History....
    On the menu bar, click the Tools menu, and select Clear Recent History....At the top of the Firefox window, click the Tools menu, and select Clear Recent History....
    Clear Recent History Win1
    History Mac1
    History Lin1
  2. Select how much history you want to clear:
    • Click the drop-down menu next to Time range to clear to choose how much of your history Firefox will clear.
    History Win2History Mac2History Lin2
    History Win3History Mac3History Lin3
  3. Finally, click the Clear Now button and the window will close and the items you've selected will be cleared.
  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button, go over to the History menu and select Clear Recent History....
    For Windows XP: At the top of the Firefox window, click the Tools menu and select Clear Recent History....
    On the menu bar, click the Tools menu, and select Clear Recent History....At the top of the Firefox window, click the Tools menu, and select Clear Recent History....
    History Win1
    History Mac1
    History Lin1
  2. Select how much history you want to clear:
    • Click the drop-down menu next to Time range to clear to choose how much of your history Firefox will clear.
    History Win2History Mac2History Lin2
    History Win3 Fx11History Mac3 Fx11History Lin3 Fx11
  3. Finally, click the Clear Now button and the window will close and the items you've selected will be cleared.
  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button, go over to the History menu and select Clear Recent History....On the menu bar, click the History menu, and select Clear Recent History....At the top of the Firefox window, click the History menu, and select Clear Recent History....
    History Win1
  2. Select how much history you want to clear:
    • Click the drop-down menu next to Time range to clear to choose how much of your history Firefox will clear.
    History Win2History Mac2History Lin2
    History Win3 Fx11History Mac3 Fx11History Lin3 Fx11
  3. Finally, click the Clear Now button and the window will close and the items you've selected will be cleared.

How do I make Firefox clear my history automatically?

If you need to clear your history every time you use Firefox, you can set it to happen automatically on exit so you don’t forget.

  1. انقر على زر القائمة New Fx MenuFx57Menu واختر الخيارات.التفضيلات.
  2. اختر لوحة الخصوصية والأمان واذهب إلى قسم التأريخ.

  3. في القائمة المُنسدلة بجانب عبارة Firefox سوف: اختر يستخدم إعدادات مخصصة للتأريخ.
  4. Check the box for Clear history when Firefox closes.History Win4History Mac4History Lin4
  5. To specify what types of history should be cleared, click the Settings... button next to Clear history when Firefox closes.
  6. In the Settings for Clearing History window, check the items that you want to have cleared automatically each time you quit Firefox.
    History Win5History Mac5History Lin5
  7. After selecting the history to be cleared, click OK to close the Settings for Clearing History window.
  8. أغلِق الصفحة about:preferences وكل التغييرات التي قمتَ بها ستُحفَظ تلقائيًّا.

How do I remove a single website from my history?

  1. انقر على زر المكتبة 57 library icon ومن ثم على التأريخ. انقر بعد ذلك على شريط أظهِر كل التأريخ في الأسفل لفتح نافذة المكتبة. انقر على زر القائمة New Fx Menu ومن ثم على زر التأريخ. انقر بعد ذلك على شريط أظهِر كل التأريخ في الأسفل لفتح نافذة المكتبة.
  2. Search for the website you want to remove from your history by typing its name in the Search History field in the top-right corner and then pressing EnterReturn.
  3. Then, in the search results, right-clickhold down the Ctrl key while you click on the site you want to remove, and select Forget About This Site.
    All history items (browsing and download history, cookies, cache, active logins, passwords, saved form data, exceptions for cookies, images, pop-ups) for that site will be removed.

    History Win6History Mac6History Lin6
  4. Finally, close the Library window.


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