How to implement Copy to Clipboard using javascript in Firefox
I am trying to implement "Copy to Clipboard" functionality in Mozilla Firefox 33.1. Simplest option is to use javascript window prompt
window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", "test");
But using this option, I can't avoid the unnecessary "Ok" and "Cancel" button in the prompt. Moreover, it opens a new tab to display the javascript prompt. I tried another way by using the following line of code in my <script> block
$('<input type="text">').appendTo('body').val("test val").select();
But it doesn't seem to work. Basically, I want to implement a popup from the same page (Spawn a text box, put the text in and select it so that the user can copy it with the platform specific key combination).
Can someone please help me to understand how I can achieve this in javascript? A working example in this regard will be very helpful.
Thanks Aditya Aery
تمام جوابات (4)
I have uploaded an image with a possible implementation of what I am looking at. Any ideas along those lines will be very helpful.
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Is this what you wanted, or something else?
RightToClick {web link} Stops javascript annoyances such as forbidden right click, forbidden text selection or cascading dialog boxes.
Hello Fred,
No, not really. I am aware that "Copy to Clipboard" using javascript us not supported in Mozilla Firefox for security reasons. I wastrying to implement this "copy to clipboard" functionality in an alternate way. One possible way is to use jquery dialog and open a dialog box with link to object already selected.
Thanks Aditya Aery