คำถามที่แสดงป้ายกำกับ: แสดงคำถามทั้งหมด

Accessibility improvements

Dear Firefox Team, I am writing to propose an enhancement for your iOS and Android, as well as desktop applications, that would greatly benefit users with visual impairm… (อ่านเพิ่มเติม)

Dear Firefox Team,

I am writing to propose an enhancement for your iOS and Android, as well as desktop applications, that would greatly benefit users with visual impairments. It would also benefit anyone who is aware that they are in need of supplementary assistance in the absorption of information and knowledge, such as myself (for context; I am an adult with autism and ADHD). Specifically, I suggest adding an accessibility feature that provides verbal dictation of the text on the phone. This addition would significantly improve the experience for users with limited or no sight or potentially even other types of disabilities.

As a friendly neighborhood computer consultant, I recommend Firefox as the default browser to my friends and family because of its strong commitment to privacy. Additionally, a partnership with DuckDuckGo could further underscore your dedication to user privacy.

I appreciate your consideration of these suggestions and look forward to seeing your continued innovation and reaction to my notes. Enhancing accessibility features not only supports inclusivity but could also attract new users and potentially open up advertising opportunities. I am eager to share more ideas in the future and would be delighted to contribute to your mission in any way possible.

Best regards,

Seth Noreman [edited phone# from public community support forum]

P.S. If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me. I am also available to help create promotional materials or tutorial videos on how to use these accessibility features, leveraging my background in digital art and my unique perspective as an adult with autism.

Thank you for your time.

Asked by sethnoreman 1 สัปดาห์ก่อน

Last reply by Paul 3 วันก่อน

Cant edit URL on Google Search Results

As Google’s search features get more and more anti-user, it is more important than ever to be able to add the “&UDM=14” after receiving their newly formatted, patheti… (อ่านเพิ่มเติม)

As Google’s search features get more and more anti-user, it is more important than ever to be able to add the “&UDM=14” after receiving their newly formatted, pathetic excuse for results.

Something has recently changed that makes this impossible.

When on a Google search result page, attempt to edit the URL only allow editing the search query. There is already a location for this, the query field.

Asked by seth3 2 สัปดาห์ก่อน

Last reply by seth3 1 สัปดาห์ก่อน

when I open Firefox, the homepage size is very small. I have to click full screen. It should open to full screen

when I open Firefox, the homepage screen is very small. I have to click full screen for it to be the size it was previously. It should default to full screen.

Asked by cajo1030 3 สัปดาห์ก่อน

  • เก็บถาวรแล้ว

How do I make the text smaller?

How to make the text smaller?

The font is way too big at times and I need it to be much smaller.

pls send help

Asked by brrgrl 1 ปีก่อน

Last reply by George Kitsoukakis 1 ปีก่อน

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  • เก็บถาวรแล้ว

Is there a left hand mode?

I read that there is a left handed mode that flips the interface to be more left-friendly. Is that still a setting? How can I turn on the feature?

Asked by ds.jason 1 ปีก่อน

Answered by Paul 1 ปีก่อน