Where does EPUB add-on store the files on the system?
This is probably a stupid question but I don't seem to find any answers....Hopefully, someone will be able to help me.
Whenever I download an epub file, it opens up in the browser (of course, where it should eventually). The add-on I have is EPUB add-on (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/epubreader/) and I was wondering where the files are stored in the system? Because I cannot find them in any directory that is usually used for downloads or temp files.
Thanks in advance!
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (2)
Thank you for your question. Add-ons for Firefox are developed by a community of independent software developers who will be best placed to provide support and help with their software.
I recommend you contact that developer directly using the contact details on the add-on page.
See if this helps you ...
http://www.epubread.com/en/faq.php scroll to the bottom Where can I find a list with all my ePub-Files?
EPUBReader has added a bookmark to the end of your bookmarklist. right-click that bookmark and use Properties - then view the Location line for the "location".
There's a Manual for EPUBReader here - http://www.epubread.com/en/manual.php
And if that doesn't solve your questions, use the Contact email address here: http://www.epubread.com/en/contact.php