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Firefox on a chromebook, tyring to install extensions for dashlane

I have a new chromebook (Lenova Duet 3) I can install and use Firefox. I have had Dashlane (password keeper) working fine with Firefox for years. The Dashlane extensions … (read more)

I have a new chromebook (Lenova Duet 3) I can install and use Firefox. I have had Dashlane (password keeper) working fine with Firefox for years. The Dashlane extensions work with Chrome, but I can't seem to get them to work with Frefox. The Chrome search engines choices are limited; ones that I never use with Firefox. Is there something in the Chromebook environment that limits firefox capabilities? (Am I looking for something that just is not possible?) Is there a work around? (Any Linux tricks?) I also have asked the same question of Dashlane, but have not heard back yet. My imperfect solution is use Chrome when it is a known website, and the password is recorded with Dashlane, and to use Firefox for new searches, where the choice of search engines is better.

Has anyone developed a search engine where there are no "sponsored" results. I understand that it would probably not be free.

Asked by amyinavl 1 year ago

Answered by amyinavl 1 year ago

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Firefox Nightly Video Playback on Fedora 33

I've installed Nightly the same way I have for years on my latest Fedora 33 install—i.e., download tarball, extract into /opt, set appropriate chmod and chown, make .desk… (read more)

I've installed Nightly the same way I have for years on my latest Fedora 33 install—i.e., download tarball, extract into /opt, set appropriate chmod and chown, make .desktop file, etc.—but certain videos certain videos on certain sites refuse to play. A Fedora discussion discussion led me to think it's how Fedora 33 may sandbox apps; I haven't yet had any hits on solutions in the Fedora groups, so I thought I'd ask here, since I can't be the only one with this issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Asked by Bryan Moore 3 years ago

Answered by cor-el 3 years ago

Ho do I get access to all hompages with firefox, including unsafe pages as I do not want to change all the time the browser for getting access to some old hardware or some old pages.

How do I get access to a page that is unsafe if I want it. As I do service a lot of old machines and it is anoying that I have to use all the time a different browser bec… (read more)

How do I get access to a page that is unsafe if I want it. As I do service a lot of old machines and it is anoying that I have to use all the time a different browser because of not getting thrue to the page if it is for example only http:// and has not Cert.

This anoying feature is very bad as it is destroying the usage reason of firefox.

Asked by AMBFilm Ton 1 month ago

Last reply by cor-el 1 month ago

Firefox-128 fails to start GUI on Linux Fedora fc20.x86_64

Contents: Conditions, Problem, Observations, Motivation Conditions System: Linux Fedora fc20.x86_64, CPU i520M, 3.66 GiB RAM on DELL E5410 Libraries have been upda… (read more)

Contents: Conditions, Problem, Observations, Motivation


System: Linux Fedora fc20.x86_64, CPU i520M, 3.66 GiB RAM on DELL E5410

Libraries have been updated from rpm packages of Fedora distribution fc21.x86_64 to satisfy the requirements for Firefox 128 and now following versions of relevant libraries and packages are installed:

X.Org 1.14.4, libstdc++ 4.8.3, glibc 2.18, libglib 2.42.1, GTK+ 3.14.5

NetworkManager-, dbus-1.6.30, GNOME 3.10.0, PulseAudio 5.0

Updating to newer version of Fedora is not possible option for me now.

Firefox 128.0.3 tarball has been unpacked to /usr/local/lib64/firefox128

Executable bash script, /usr/local/bin/firefox128 has been used to launch Firefox 128, it contains two lines

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/firefox128:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib64/firefox128/firefox $1

Existing file $HOME/.mozilla has been temporarily renamed to avoid hardly possible conflicts while testing the new version of Firefox. (Later I have found that this is not necessary because new installs

of Firefox do not conflict with the previous).


Execution of the bash script, firefox128 from gnome-terminal command line started Firefox 128 but without GUI. Only the small white interval at left upper corner of the desktop appeared and it could be extended by using mouse to empty (white) window created by Gnome and titled, Firefox.


After Firefox 128.0.3 started the output of the command, ps -flu username revealed,

      /usr/local/lib64/firefox128/firefox-bin \
           -contentproc -parentBuildID 20240725162350 \
           -prefsLen 21615 -prefMapSize 245327 \
           -appDir /usr/local/lib64/firefox128/browser \
                   {d54171b1-8a79-44b3-a271-db4e09db2365} 3715 true socket

Two parameters preceding `true socket` vary from launch to launch.

Executions of, firefox128 --help

              firefox128 --full-version

display the expected output

In the way of successive approximations to highest Firefox version that starts with GUI in my system I have found this is Firefox 95.0.2

The binaries firefox in Firefox versions from 96.0 to 99.0.1 do not launch firefox-bin and the application hangs requiring explicit kill

Firefox versions 100.0.2, 101.0, 106.0, 106.0.5, 117.0, 117.0.1, 123.0.1, 128.0 I have tested like Firefox 128.0.3 behave in the same way as Firefox 128.0.3 with the same effects.

Output of the command, ps -flu username obtained when Firefox 95.0.2 is running with GUI in my system differs specifically from outputs of this command for Firefox versions above 100 Last argument for firefox-bin in those Firefox versions i.e. 100.0.2 and newer is `socket` whereas in Firefox 95.0.2 the last argument is `tab` as in the case,

       /usr/local/lib64/firefox95/firefox-bin \
                    -contentproc -childID 2 -isForBrowser \
                    -prefsLen 4814 -prefMapSize 241644 -jsInitLen 278884 \
                    -parentBuildID 20211218203254 \
                    -appDir /usr/local/lib64/firefox95/browser 9563 true tab
       /usr/local/lib64/firefox95/firefox-bin \
                    -contentproc -childID 6 -isForBrowser \
                    -prefsLen 5627 -prefMapSize 241644 -jsInitLen 278884 \
                    -parentBuildID 20211218203254 \
                    -appDir /usr/local/lib64/firefox95/browser 9563 true tab
       /usr/local/lib64/firefox95/firefox-bin \
                    -contentproc -childID 7 -isForBrowser -prefsLen 5627 \
                    -prefMapSize 241644 -jsInitLen 278884 \
                    -parentBuildID 20211218203254 \
                    -appDir /usr/local/lib64/firefox95/browser 9563 true tab

During executing both the bash scripts firefox128 and firefox95, launching the respective Firefox versions, Firefox writes messages to stdout (gnome-display) but the outputs do not differ qualitatively.

For firefox128 the only intriguing mesasage is the last one that appears while closing Firefox 128, [GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt

These messages not differing qualitatively for Firefox 95.0.2 and Firefox 128 can be summarized as follws (firefox:5370): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_get_style_context: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed gtk_style_context_get_state: assertion 'GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context)' failed gtk_style_context_get_property: assertion 'GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context)' failed gtk_style_context_get_background_color: assertion 'GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context)' failed gtk_style_context_get_color: assertion 'GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context)' failed

(firefox:5370): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: \ g_value_unset: assertion 'G_IS_VALUE (value)' failed

(firefox:2901): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: \ g_object_ref: assertion 'object->ref_count > 0' failed and g_object_unref: assertion 'object->ref_count > 0' failed

[GFX1-]: glxtest: libEGL missing methods

For Firefox 128 they are preceded by warnings like, [Parent 4185, Main Thread] WARNING: \ g_value_unset: assertion 'G_IS_VALUE (value)' failed: \ 'glib warning', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:187

Moreover during starting Firefox in versions 96.0 - 117.0.1 there is the message,

                    os_mmap failed.: Cannot allocate memory 

This message is absent either in Firefox 95.0.2 and Firefox 128.0, 128.0.3


The effect just described looks very strange but may be common to older versions of Linux distributions still being used by number of people with various motivations.

Various institutions, particularly banks, require "newest" versions of a browser and I am afraid that Firefox 95.0.2 working in my system will be very soon considered outdated that will result in lack of electronic access to bank account.

Therefore solving the problem just presented appears to be important.

Thank you in advance

Asked by koz55pl 1 month ago

Last reply by koz55pl 1 month ago

PDF are often rendered unreadable, with desktop background showing through (screenshot attached)

I often run into issues with PDFs in Firefox Linux. They either appear totally blank (typically after suspend/restore), or they appear with the desktop background showing… (read more)

I often run into issues with PDFs in Firefox Linux. They either appear totally blank (typically after suspend/restore), or they appear with the desktop background showing through (as in the attached screenshot).

Hard refreshing the page doesn't change anything, opening a new tab and opening the PDF again doesn't change anything, opening a new window and loading the PDF doesn't change anything.

The screenshot is with this PDF:

It renders correctly in Chromium.

Firefox 126.0 using the recommended performance settings on Mint 21.3, nvidia quadro p620 using the official nvidia drivers v535.171.04-0ubuntu0.22.04.1

Asked by c+ff 3 months ago

Last reply by c+ff 1 month ago

Fire fox browser playing up

When i am in facebook and i want to do a live call or video chat,and when i hover the mouse over these options ,it no longer let's me do this and tells me that the browse… (read more)

When i am in facebook and i want to do a live call or video chat,and when i hover the mouse over these options ,it no longer let's me do this and tells me that the browser not longer supports this action yet i could do this up until about 7 weeks ago im using firefox in 20:04 ubuntu,im also having difficulty on another web page ordering spare parts,it won't let me select or order part's either but when i use windows 10 with firefox browser everything works fine why is this same browser different system?? i don't get this please help

Asked by mdk308 1 month ago

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Firefox lagging lagging a ton for a second or two

I tried the troubleshooting mode, which turns off all the add-ons. Despite that, my Firefox still lags. For example, when I click on a new tab, it takes a couple of secon… (read more)

I tried the troubleshooting mode, which turns off all the add-ons. Despite that, my Firefox still lags. For example, when I click on a new tab, it takes a couple of seconds to open. When I am typing, it takes a few seconds every now and then to catch up. Additionally, when I am scrolling, it will be unresponsive for a couple of seconds before jumping to where I supposedly scrolled to. I am using Mint Linux Firefox 128.0.3. Processor: 13th Gen Intel© Core™ i7-13700HX × 16. Graphics:

 Device-1: Intel driver: i915 v: kernel
 Device-2: NVIDIA driver: nvidia v: 550.90.07
 Device-3: Cheng Uei Precision Industry (Foxlink) HP Wide Vision HD Camera
   type: USB driver: uvcvideo
 Display: x11 server: X.Org v: driver: X:
   loaded: modesetting,nvidia unloaded: fbdev,nouveau,vesa gpu: i915
   resolution: 3424x1926~240Hz
 OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel UHD Graphics (ADL-S GT1)
   v: 4.6 Mesa 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.2

Asked by theexaltedfuhrer 1 month ago

Answered by jonzn4SUSE 1 month ago

youtube crashed after sometimes

youtube always crash after sometime. i've 16Gb of ram, so it took sometime for me. but the crash is inevitable. in the console, i saw some errors. mostly 401 and CORS to… (read more)

youtube always crash after sometime. i've 16Gb of ram, so it took sometime for me. but the crash is inevitable.

in the console, i saw some errors. mostly 401 and CORS to google ads domain. we all know that youtube is doing something shady to catch Adblock users.

no adblock, no extension, clean profile and incognito mode. it still happen. this problem is not unique to firefox, it happen to chrome too.

relevant question:

Asked by boku 1 month ago

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How can I set a custom file as home page for new tabs in Firefox Desktop 107?

Hello, in past versions of Firefox, I was able to follow the steps on this page to set a custom HTML file on my PC as my home page for new tabs:… (read more)

Hello, in past versions of Firefox, I was able to follow the steps on this page to set a custom HTML file on my PC as my home page for new tabs:

I have Firefox 107.0.1 now and it's not happening. When I open the browser from scratch, I see my custom home page file. But when I open a new tab, I just see a blank screen. If I then click the Home icon on the toolbar, I do see my custom HTML page, but I don't want to have to click that button for each new tab.

Right now, in my settings, I have the URL to the page set as the custom URL for the HTML fiile, like this:


That works. And I also have followed the steps on that blog post to customize my /usr/lib/firefox/autoconfig.cfg and my ../firefox/defalults/pref/autoconfig.js files. That's no longer working.

Did something in a recent version change? Is this no longer supported? Thanks for any ideas!

Asked by peterr2 1 year ago

Answered by cor-el 1 year ago

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No confirmation email for Firefox Sync received

I try to set up Firefox Sync on Firefox on a VM on Fedora. I enter my e-mail and password. Then I get the message (after retrying): "Email resent. Add… (read more)

I try to set up Firefox Sync on Firefox on a VM on Fedora. I enter my e-mail and password. Then I get the message (after retrying): "Email resent. Add to your contacts to ensure a smooth delivery." However, I do not get the email with the confirmation code.

My email address has this format

Asked by Jan 1 year ago

Answered by Jan 1 year ago

Trying to connect to website.

Trying to get to the "http://localhost:631" website from my Ubuntu 22.04, but always get "can not connect". What is going on? What do I need to do to fix this? I have tri… (read more)

Trying to get to the "http://localhost:631" website from my Ubuntu 22.04, but always get "can not connect". What is going on? What do I need to do to fix this? I have tried to add this website to the exception list but it changes the http to https.

Asked by Larryjoy 1 month ago

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 1 month ago

moving tab to another window

Why do you make it so fxxxxxx hard to ask a question??????? In the tab info it says, If you want to move a tab from one Firefox window to another, click on the tab and … (read more)

Why do you make it so fxxxxxx hard to ask a question??????? In the tab info it says, If you want to move a tab from one Firefox window to another, click on the tab and drag it to the tab strip of another Firefox window.

What the xxxx does that mean????? There is no tab strip!! There is no obvious place to move it! These are bad instructions! When you write instructions read them over and make sure they are complete! Have somebody that doesn't know anything read them and see if they can follow them!

Asked by Redgreen 1 month ago

Last reply by cor-el 1 month ago

How do I stop Firefox from logging me out of all websites?

My Laptop I only use once in a while because I am mostly at my desktop. When I didn't use the laptop for some time, I am logged out of ALL websites. Google, Facebook, Twi… (read more)

My Laptop I only use once in a while because I am mostly at my desktop. When I didn't use the laptop for some time, I am logged out of ALL websites. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, eBay, Amazon, several smaller sites EVERYWHERE. It's like I am on a new install.

How do I stop that behavior? It's certainly not an issue of the websites because I am logged out consistently everywhere. Why is Firefox deleting the cookies even if they are infinite?

My laptop is secured, it has strong passwords and an encrypted harddisk.

Asked by bxyify 1 month ago