After the 115.11.0 ESR Update All My Settings Are Gone, No Way Back
I've just updated from 115.04esr to 115.11esr for macOS to the heap of unwelcome troubles. This experience is extremely unfriendly and annoyingly brazen on part of the Firefox developers.
Every time I launch the browser it starts up from its default profile, not mine. I lost access to all my themes, extensions, history, devices and settings as a consequence, and cannot regain it.
All efforts to launch FF from another profile upon opening of a new instance resulted in a dialog nagging me to move the app to /Applications even though I always kept it in a subfolder of my choosing, and intend on continuing to do so. Refusing to submit opens the default new Firefox profile in every instance.
Closing Firefox instances is impeded by a Chrome-like first-after-installation closure prompt asking to have the browser warn me every time I'm closing the browser. Repeatedly rejecting the prompt makes no difference.
The flatly blunt and pervasively arrogant manner, in which the new Firefox forces its way, is off the charts and is unacceptable.
Is there a straightforward way of restoring the old behaviour and telling it to honour my settings?