subfolders have disappeared from Thunderbird

I use Thunderbird Mail, I have two email accounts, a gmail and an icloud. Now a problem has occurred, all subfolders for icloud have disappeared from Thunderbird. I had d… (baca lebih lanjut)

I use Thunderbird Mail, I have two email accounts, a gmail and an icloud. Now a problem has occurred, all subfolders for icloud have disappeared from Thunderbird. I had different folders of saved correspondence, but now I just see Inbox, Archive and thrash. Anyone know what I can do to get those folders back, for gmail account everything is ok

Ditanyakan oleh John 26 menit yang lalu

Implementation of current Profile after T-Bird 128 Upgrade

I've been on Thunderbird for almost 20 years and a Mozilla fan. Have evolved a fairly elaborate configuration of local (POP) email folders, rules, calendar, and accounts… (baca lebih lanjut)

I've been on Thunderbird for almost 20 years and a Mozilla fan. Have evolved a fairly elaborate configuration of local (POP) email folders, rules, calendar, and accounts to manage & organize email activity, retention, archiving, etc. I've not had to deal with Profiles in previous upgrades and don't have much experience with it.

The recent Oct 1 push of Firefox & Thunderbird 131.0 releases took me by surprise. I was able to re-implement the previous Firefox profile to recover bookmarks, cookies, passwords, etc. However, when T-Bird warned that 131.0 was Beta & unsupported I took the suggestion to download & install the current supported release: 128.3.0 (I was on 128.2.3). Then hell came.

Once downloaded, installed & launched, Thunderbird 128.3 cautioned the new profile created with T-Bird 131.0 was incompatible with previous versions and that I should create a new one, which I did. Still could not get new T-Bird to recognize previous profile, so I tried uninstalling, downloading & reinstalling 128.3 multiple times, each time prompted to create a new profile before proceeding. I tried to follow the previous profile restoration process detailed on support forums & articles, but none seemed specifically relevant to my situation.

I located my profiles in the appdata roaming profile folder, including what I think are most recent based on size of mail folders. Can't determine whether I had just one or several in use due to the extent of my setup. Could really use some help & advice to: 1) Determine which profile was in most recent use prior to T-Bird upgrade. 2) Whether more than one profile was in use. 3) Re-implement the profile I was using on T-Bird 128.2.3 with my new 128.3.0

Regards & many thanks in advance, John C Houston

PS You'll ask why I would upgrade to 131.0 from 128.2.3. Answer: it was on auto-update and 131.0 is what was pushed. No more auto-updates for this guy!

Ditanyakan oleh John C 16 jam yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh John C 36 menit yang lalu

Multiple Gmail accounts on Tbird.

I have had two Gmail accounts on Tbird for about a year with no problems. Now I get unpredictable or no results trying to send or receive messages from the newer account.… (baca lebih lanjut)

I have had two Gmail accounts on Tbird for about a year with no problems. Now I get unpredictable or no results trying to send or receive messages from the newer account. A message mentioning unsuccessful server authentification is the most common. "we have sent your message but not mentioned it in the "sent" folder due to connectivity problems" also occurs. I have absolutely no problem on iOS mail or Tbird running on MacOS. To the extent that I can decipher the iOS settings, there is no difference.

Ditanyakan oleh Brownie.Pix 8 jam yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Brownie.Pix 59 menit yang lalu

Multiple email addresses using same password require multiple logins

I am using Firefox 130.0, 64 bit, with Duckduckgo search engine and TB 128.0.3. I have six email accounts with my Internet provider CTI. I use the same password to log i… (baca lebih lanjut)

I am using Firefox 130.0, 64 bit, with Duckduckgo search engine and TB 128.0.3. I have six email accounts with my Internet provider CTI. I use the same password to log into CTI. I select: "Enter your password for (account name) on" I select: "Use Password Manager to remember this password." That one login activated all six of my accounts. Using earlier versions (V28) of TB, I logged into only one account on CTI and all six accounts activated and remained active until I logged out at the end of any session with CTI. Now the passwords must be entered individually for all six accounts and each account times out after a few minutes of inactivity, then I have to relogin for each account. What happened between V28 and V 130 to change that procedure and can I fix it? CTI explains they did not change anything on their end. Thank you, D. Gordon

Ditanyakan oleh Jerico46 1 jam yang lalu

TB latest version main windows doesn't have menu item or sub item to show adr book but edit window does

in the older TB for a loooong time, adr book and inbox showed up under WINDOW item new TB changed that and sometimes shows under TOOLS menu but in inbox it doesn't in co… (baca lebih lanjut)

in the older TB for a loooong time, adr book and inbox showed up under WINDOW item new TB changed that and sometimes shows under TOOLS menu but in inbox it doesn't in compose/edit window it shows. See attached

Ditanyakan oleh Someone 1 jam yang lalu

New Message Button not visible with new update

It seems a new version of Thunderbird was updated and installed today. Although the new message button seems to be working it looks like a dark black button. How can I c… (baca lebih lanjut)

It seems a new version of Thunderbird was updated and installed today. Although the new message button seems to be working it looks like a dark black button. How can I change the color setting so it is readable?

Ditanyakan oleh hireme1 2 jam yang lalu

Emails lacking logos

As of 3 days ago I am finding that all emails and spam I get are all missing logos as well as anthing not script. Many are just blank and right click produces nothing. … (baca lebih lanjut)

As of 3 days ago I am finding that all emails and spam I get are all missing logos as well as anthing not script. Many are just blank and right click produces nothing. Dont know what you did but please undo it, Im not in the mood to go find another email host. Thank you

Ditanyakan oleh arthurkelly 18 jam yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh arthurkelly 2 jam yang lalu

can't associate files with thunderbird

hi can't associate files with thunderbird even thougfh the association is set correctly. error just says i should make an association etc its updated and addons turned … (baca lebih lanjut)


can't associate files with thunderbird even thougfh the association is set correctly. error just says i should make an association etc its updated and addons turned of anyone got any ideas, thanks

Ditanyakan oleh bill 6 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh bill 4 jam yang lalu

poczta thunderbird nie pobiera poczty z wp

Na komputerze mam zainstalowany wiele lat thunderbird , który jest skonfigurowany z pocztą wp. Cały czas było wszystko dobrze od 30 września zaczął się problem z pobieran… (baca lebih lanjut)

Na komputerze mam zainstalowany wiele lat thunderbird , który jest skonfigurowany z pocztą wp. Cały czas było wszystko dobrze od 30 września zaczął się problem z pobieraniem poczty z wp natomiast wiadomości wysyła . Rozumiem tak to że ma problem z pop3. Komunikat jaki wyskakuje to

Logowanie na serwerze za pomocą nazwy użytkownika angela608 się nie powiodło.

Cały czas było dobrze i nagle bez powodu wyskakuje taki problem. Proszę o pomoc w rozwiązaniu awarii

Ditanyakan oleh Angelika 5 jam yang lalu

Cannot send e mails

Whenever I try to send an e mail or reply to an email I get an error message telling me that the Connection to the Outgoing Server SMTP was lost in the middle of the tran… (baca lebih lanjut)

Whenever I try to send an e mail or reply to an email I get an error message telling me that the Connection to the Outgoing Server SMTP was lost in the middle of the transaction. I have check with my ISP (Telstra Australia) and there is no fault at their end. The account settings in Thunderbird are correct and I have the latest version. I can receive e mails but cant send any. This problem has only occured in the last couple of days. Can you help please.

Ditanyakan oleh dozdeb 4 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh dozdeb 9 jam yang lalu

Transfer to new replacement pc

I have installed T'bird in a new replacement pc and also added my two accounts. However, I now need to include my many Local Folders using Profile Folder information from… (baca lebih lanjut)

I have installed T'bird in a new replacement pc and also added my two accounts. However, I now need to include my many Local Folders using Profile Folder information from the old pc.

Should I delete all the account information I have installed in my new pc T'bird prior to installing the Profile Folder copy? Thanks Ron

Ditanyakan oleh RonSH 9 jam yang lalu

Displayed emails

bold text Previously I put the mouse on bottom of very long list and pushed them up until I had a workable IN BOX list. They were not lost they kept the displayed list th… (baca lebih lanjut)

bold text Previously I put the mouse on bottom of very long list and pushed them up until I had a workable IN BOX list. They were not lost they kept the displayed list the same as I deleted emails after reading.


Ditanyakan oleh Barry 11 jam yang lalu

Thunderbird just updated and most of my e-mails became unreadable

This is what most of my received e-mail messages now look like: <td align=3D"left" bgcolor=3D"#ED3B30"> Some e-mails can still be read but the message is fro… (baca lebih lanjut)

Ditanyakan oleh cahwhite 1 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh cahwhite 13 jam yang lalu

Email not syncing despte having correct settings and password.

Kia Ora Koutou from Aotearoa New Zealand. After several hours of sheer frustration, including reading a significant number of posts I am still without result. Thunderbi… (baca lebih lanjut)

Kia Ora Koutou from Aotearoa New Zealand.

After several hours of sheer frustration, including reading a significant number of posts I am still without result.

Thunderbird keeps asking for my my password for both my SMTP and IMAP settings despite all of these being correct.

I have checked with my domain and email provider ( and they inform me that it appears to be a thunderbird settings.

Checking the thunderbird settings they are correct including passwords, however, the mail client just refuses to download the mail providing a dialogue box with "login to account "<PRIVACY>" failed. Enter new password, Cancel, Retry.

Is there some way to fix this error?

Ditanyakan oleh Bryce Hamilton WFW 2 bulan yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Bryce Hamilton WFW 15 jam yang lalu

corrupted emails

I received on 2024-09-25 about a dozen messages from various senders in my Thunderbird mailer from the University of Calgary mail system, around 2 p.m. and at least 50 em… (baca lebih lanjut)

I received on 2024-09-25 about a dozen messages from various senders in my Thunderbird mailer from the University of Calgary mail system, around 2 p.m. and at least 50 emails in about a 12-hour period starting on Sept. 19 at about 2 a.m. that had recognizable sender names and subject lines as well as time and date stamps, but were either replaced by text from emails sent years earlier or corrupted (encoded?) in some way. For example, the email below was supposed to be from "Physics and Astronomy general announcements" on 2014-09-25, 2:15 p.m. but note the date in the header. This corruption of new emails is happening at irregular intervals, and I would very much like to know why and how to stop it from occurring. It seems to me that there is replacement of the contents of new emails with old, possibly compacted, email contents, if that makes any sense. Emails read on my account at the University of Calgary webmail system shows no such corruption, so it appears to be a problem on my Thundermail mailer. Look I like to use Thunderbird as opposed to a clunky Microsoft system, so

any help would be appreciated.  Thanks for your attention.  

- Gene Milone encl.: "On 2024-09-25 2:15 p.m., Physics and Astronomy general announcements wrote: > --_004_a2e30ad69a88a96097bdb50ed206edaeucalgaryca_ > Content-Type: text/x-vcard; name="milone.vcf" > Content-Description: milone.vcf > Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="milone.vcf"; size=456; > creation-date="Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:37:05 GMT"; > modification-date="Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:37:05 GMT" > Content-ID: <6D8F7C2F6E8D294BB4BD7D7080C00767@CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 > > YmVnaW46dmNhcmQNCmZuOkRyLiBFLiBGLiAgTWlsb25lDQpuOk1pbG9uZTtEci4gRS4gRi4gDQpl > bWFpbDtpbnRlcm5ldDptaWxvbmVAdWNhbGdhcnkuY2ENCnRlbDt3b3JrOjQwMy0yMjAtNTQxMg0K > dGVsO2ZheDo0MDMtMjg5LTMzMzENCnZlcnNpb246Mi4xDQplbmQ6dmNhcmQNCg0K >

Ditanyakan oleh milone1 1 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh milone1 16 jam yang lalu

Content wiped when moving email between Exchange accounts

When I move or copy an email from one Exchange account to another the content and attachments are wiped out. The header (date/subject/from/to etc) is all intact. It happe… (baca lebih lanjut)

When I move or copy an email from one Exchange account to another the content and attachments are wiped out. The header (date/subject/from/to etc) is all intact. It happens to most but not all emails. This started on 27-Sep-24.

I'm using TB release 128.3.0esr (64-bit) on Windows 10

I've tested the same action within Microsoft Outlook and it doesn't happen. Therefore it appears to be a problem with Thunderbird or OWL. I am in touch with OWL at the moment who suggest removing and reinstating the accounts. I have done this but it make no difference... the same thing happens.

I can move emails to an IMAP account and this is fine... so it's only happening between Exchange accounts.

Ditanyakan oleh Philip Kassanis 19 jam yang lalu

Thunderbird sent mail is showing up as gibberish

Hello, I've been using thunderbird since 2013, and have never had as many issues as I have this year. I reinstalled Thunderbird (uninstalled with revo uninstaller so noth… (baca lebih lanjut)

Hello, I've been using thunderbird since 2013, and have never had as many issues as I have this year. I reinstalled Thunderbird (uninstalled with revo uninstaller so nothing stayed), and then installed the latest version fresh. This seemed to smooth out most of my issues, but I haven't been able to solve this one..

I use Thunderbird because I have multiple email accounts to monitor and like them all in one place. The latest problem that I am having is that my "sent" email is showing up as giberish (sometimes.. Not every email, and not always on the same account).

My system is Windows 11 Home 64-bit

I will attach a screen shot of: 1. My current version of Tbird 2. The email that displays in Tbird 3. The email that displays in Gmail

Thank you in advance! -Eric

Ditanyakan oleh eric143 3 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh eric143 20 jam yang lalu