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Firefox has done it again

The pinned shortcuts on my newtab page have all disappeared once again. I've gone to about:config > browser.newtabpage.pinned and my shortcuts are all listed. But o… (baca lebih lanjut)

The pinned shortcuts on my newtab page have all disappeared once again. I've gone to about:config > browser.newtabpage.pinned and my shortcuts are all listed. But only blank boxes show up on the page. It will not accept a new entry when I try to enter one. It goes back to the blank white box. Why does this keep happening? Can anyone give me a Firefox for Dummies way to fix this?? Thanks!

Email removed for privacy

Ditanyakan oleh raydle1101 4 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh raydle1101 18 menit yang lalu

Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER when using vodafone mobile data provider phone hotspot.

This happens on other websites as well: Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized. HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pi… (baca lebih lanjut)

This happens on other websites as well:

Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:




MIID3DCCAsSgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADB/MQswCQYDVQQGEwJFUzEP MA0GA1UECAwGTWFkcmlkMQ8wDQYDVQQHDAZNYWRyaWQxDjAMBgNVBAoMBUFsbG90 MQ4wDAYDVQQLDAVBbGxvdDEuMCwGA1UEAwwlYWxsb3QuY29tL2VtYWlsQWRkcmVz cz1pbmZvQGFsbG90LmNvbTAeFw0xNjEyMTYxMzA3NDlaFw0yNjEyMTYxMzA3NDla MH8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkVTMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZNYWRyaWQxDzANBgNVBAcMBk1hZHJp ZDEOMAwGA1UECgwFQWxsb3QxDjAMBgNVBAsMBUFsbG90MS4wLAYDVQQDDCVhbGxv dC5jb20vZW1haWxBZGRyZXNzPWluZm9AYWxsb3QuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtckdwPaklW7lAUz/jjFnePUeGNG0w9E1ajLq4UZO vol1ESRdiVXJhj43/4NtvFGiw0ujDwh8K5xErtaXx+W+Lk0yw2uXATBtdvr3pdDj cxNjUVYl6iis0lxgKff02fsLHdLvy9hJX08wsBF6NKW9YetM6WznDsWztucfg8a1 QaUxFzwHxKjTaV9+RO1zosUgU6RIZwBJrXnyJPeMdbDeS7+WXIAQT1WlficRckAw 4VX7l90AVXzng+Kf+SErsD0DtOiMS/nawa/0tW6whd6zmSaCtPJg37EBp3BQkpdn RvRCsG9h1aWkBUdFNb0mNbnHDP0dmWrDZEFKNmpeC6LmkQIDAQABo2MwYTAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUqLwqHQ0a0mcp ebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUqLwqHQ0a0mcpebqXCx9QL1ibqvcwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHJsGkbv+mGhMHfc5z1UZGsH0rkV0U+tl/6hwutyMHPO tvHCwK30keSqiIz8E0grwkMAiS4Ir1w52hfJB0JndxWv1rBTk5gA5ASruhsNKcgv hDgfuVBwSw7ILX9wkl5J2Eu/ew3TRB8lDO7XX4DF0p2L1DyZl+r0HSB9NgQH4kI7 HSxW0oo34bu+S/u3ycMZ1RjjzzVKtI5S6ydVz2qKVqhuSwuFJnndoKjrzMphwraN cKSTLyIj77FK1IUtiivprXk15/lrlnoK+zIlrCzR/Yl5pBYDjb1VhTLUBzm8uNV/ dlYQqPygZFfK8Al/p1grILXWUHmdOaUX+AoWlitKDJo=


Can you help?

Ditanyakan oleh Gregory Laycock Hammond 1 jam yang lalu

Repetitive update request

I keep getting this message that pops up in a private window to restart to keep using firefox. Everytime I click restart Firefox, it closes my tabs and opens them again. … (baca lebih lanjut)

I keep getting this message that pops up in a private window to restart to keep using firefox. Everytime I click restart Firefox, it closes my tabs and opens them again. However, 5 minutes later the window pops up again. Even after repeated attempts of updating, even doing a full restart on the computer, Firefox continues to send this window to me. The private window in the bar says about:restartrequired.

I've tried uninstalling Firefox with a fresh install as well as doing a Refresh of Firefox. Neither seem to solve this problem.

Ditanyakan oleh rxs621 1 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh rxs621 3 jam yang lalu

Can't close Firefox with multi pages opened through right clicking the taskbar.

Firefox Version: 124.0.2 (64 bit) Windows Version: Windows 10 LTSC 2019 (Version 1809) When I right click the taskbar and press close Firefox, here comes the interface j… (baca lebih lanjut)

Firefox Version: 124.0.2 (64 bit) Windows Version: Windows 10 LTSC 2019 (Version 1809)

When I right click the taskbar and press close Firefox, here comes the interface just as the screenshot uploaded. The blue close button doesn't response no matter how I click it and the Firefox's taskbar is flashing yellow. This bug only occurs on the first window of Firefox and only when user right click the taskbar.

It has been a long time for me wishing that some updates would be released soon to fix this issue, while noting happens. Or this bug is only for me?

Ditanyakan oleh Feeling Unreal 4 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Feeling Unreal 16 jam yang lalu

Disabling 'Show animations in Windows' changes the way text is shown on some websites.

When I turn off the windows animations in Windows 10 the font on changes somewhat. I believe it is altering the character spacing/scaling. I have not had thi… (baca lebih lanjut)

When I turn off the windows animations in Windows 10 the font on changes somewhat. I believe it is altering the character spacing/scaling.

I have not had this behavior on other browsers (Brave, Edge, Chrome & OperaGX tested). I have not noticed this on other websites, but I also haven't really looked.

Windows version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.4291) Firefox version 124.0.2

Images provided are with them off, then on

Steps to recreate 1. Load a tweet (tweet in the images: 2. Turn off window animations (settings->display->show animations in windows->Off) 3. Reload the Tweet

This is not a critical issue for me, but I think it's worth mentioning

Ditanyakan oleh SiwelTheLongBoi 1 hari yang lalu

Firefox On Facebook Webcam feature doesn't work......

Hi Everyone! I'm wondering if anyone can shed light on this.... I'm using the very latest version of Firefox 124.0.2 (64bit) And recently having a problem when video ch… (baca lebih lanjut)

Hi Everyone!

I'm wondering if anyone can shed light on this.... I'm using the very latest version of Firefox 124.0.2 (64bit) And recently having a problem when video chatting on facebook when chatting I can't see the "Cam" Icon to call up. Yet on Crome all is good.

Any help?

Ditanyakan oleh Welshman1981 1 hari yang lalu

How to not share session cookies between tabs

Hi, We have an application where we do not want to share the session cookies between tabs. Is this possible? If above answer is yes, next we would like to filter out som… (baca lebih lanjut)


We have an application where we do not want to share the session cookies between tabs. Is this possible? If above answer is yes, next we would like to filter out some cookies by name that should not be shared across tabs. Meaning, we want some cookies that can be shared across tabs and some should not be shared.

Thanks in advance

Ditanyakan oleh Subijay Bhattacharya 1 hari yang lalu

Another Question/Suggestion for Native Tab Grouping

I use my monitor in portrait orientation for various reasons, one of which is a large cat. In reference to earlier comments elsewhere about the tab bar, I like having the… (baca lebih lanjut)

I use my monitor in portrait orientation for various reasons, one of which is a large cat. In reference to earlier comments elsewhere about the tab bar, I like having the tab bar across the top of the browser window, and I don't need the additional vertical space.

I've read the conversations about grouped or nested tabs, and I've looked at the add-ons for tab grouping. The add-ons seem inelegant, and they don't really do what I want them to do. It seems to me that the best way to approach grouping tabs is keeping the existing tab bar and adding a layer of function to it.

I have 117 tabs open because I'm approaching antiquity, something of a slob, a bit of a hoarder, need to have reminders for the rabbit-holes I plumb, and I find the Bookmarks cumbersome. Firefox doesn't seem to bog down under the load, which is great.

How about this: Rig the Tabs function to accommodate two or three levels. Along with the New Tab button, make a button to open a Tab Drawer, which can be named and would always be visible. Related tabs could then be dragged and dropped into the relevant Tab Drawer, and the Tab Drawers can be dragged to arrange them among exposed tabs on the Tab Bar. Tab Drawers could contain Tab Drawers to create one or two sublevels. (Even one-level tab grouping would be a huge improvement.)

Opening a Drawer would be by clicking on it; this would open a drop-down menu of the contents. Selecting a tab in a Drawer would open a that tab next to the drawer; selecting a Drawer would The right-click menu for the Drawer could include options for Open Drawer in New Window and Open All These Tabs and Drawers in One New Window. As the user would be navigating through tabs, the drop-down menus would not be too much of an intrusion.

As an example, I could have Tab Drawers to collect the 17 recipe tabs I have open, or the six peculiar Ebay search pages I keep, the twelve crossword and game tabs I visit regularly, the eight or so YouTube tabs I maintain and the multitude of medical, banking, utility and governmental tabs I need for logging in more often than I'd prefer. And it would be nice to have a Drawer for the tabs I have for online shopping; opening them all in a new window would be useful.

I don't know jack doe about coding or what bugs could possibly arise from such a feature, but this seems a reasonable approach to the problem of tab grouping. It keeps tabs as they are (It might require a few more vertical pixels so Drawers could be outlined for visibility), and allows one to fine-tune their use in a manner similar to using other features on Firefox. It doesn't require a new window that takes up space on the desktop as the current add-ons do.

Does this seem reasonable and possible? I'd do it myself, but I can't.

Thank you.

Windows 10, Firefox v. 124.0.2

Ditanyakan oleh AlphaCat 1 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh AlphaCat 2 hari yang lalu

Controlling address bar search results

I always want the address bar suggestions to start with my bookmarks. Is there a way to control the results? I remember there was something in about:config previously. … (baca lebih lanjut)

I always want the address bar suggestions to start with my bookmarks. Is there a way to control the results? I remember there was something in about:config previously.

Ditanyakan oleh technomad 2 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh technomad 2 hari yang lalu

My bookmarks wont recover from my mozilla account

My computer messed up today and i had to recover it, but i didnt get to save my bookmarks. I've had a mozilla account since 5/2/2024 (i think, thats at least what it says… (baca lebih lanjut)

My computer messed up today and i had to recover it, but i didnt get to save my bookmarks. I've had a mozilla account since 5/2/2024 (i think, thats at least what it says was the date i made my password) and i've saved a lot of bookmarks i cannot lose.

i forgot what email i had made it with tho, so i created a couple of new mozilla accounts and idk if that has messed up the profiles i'm using? i read the mozilla guide on bookmarks and i have like 3 profiles under "profile:default-release" (my settings are in danish, idk if that's what its called in english). but i cant tell which one it is? furthermore, when i click on "manage bookmarks" i get to this place that says something about bookmarks saved on html or something - which i know i havent done.

oh also, before any of that, the first thing i did was synchronize my google chrome bookmarks with firefox and idk if that has messed something up?

Ditanyakan oleh nivar 5 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh nivar 2 hari yang lalu

Restoring home content shortcuts

I've been using Firefox home content shortcuts usefully on my Windows system. I installed Ubuntu on Vmware last night and synced Firefox account in it. After that, the ho… (baca lebih lanjut)

I've been using Firefox home content shortcuts usefully on my Windows system. I installed Ubuntu on Vmware last night and synced Firefox account in it. After that, the home content shortcuts are all changed to the default status. I think it's because that I clicked the sync now button on Ubuntu. Is there a way to roll it back? Thanks.

Ditanyakan oleh Zen 2 hari yang lalu

can't find to remove Grow print popup

I accepted this the other day but now don't want it. It is a Print popup & at bottom says Grow I can not find how to remove this. Popup shows this: Unlock the Print… (baca lebih lanjut)

I accepted this the other day but now don't want it. It is a Print popup & at bottom says Grow I can not find how to remove this. Popup shows this: Unlock the Print Button!

Sign up to our mailing list to gain access to print this page. Email * I consent to receiving emails and personalized ads. Already have a Grow Account? Switch to Login

Ditanyakan oleh jcluvu22 3 hari yang lalu

Is there a way I can get my Add-Ons BACK after "upgrading" to a version that keeps Clodflare happy?

I did an Upgrade to a version of Firefox that would bypass those "Your Browser Is Not Supported" messages that apparently come from "Cloud-flare." I figured [naievely!] … (baca lebih lanjut)

I did an Upgrade to a version of Firefox that would bypass those "Your Browser Is Not Supported" messages that apparently come from "Cloud-flare." I figured [naievely!] that my addons would "port" to the upgrade. They didn't. Is there any way [e.g., a putative backup file, perhaps] that would allow this?

Thanks in advance...!

Please reply to --- The Gray Cat << >>

Ditanyakan oleh The Gray Cat 3 hari yang lalu

my Bookmark is not syncing after logging gmail ID on New win-10 machine

Dear Firefox team. My Laptop OS was dead, I unable to syncing my bookmark on new windows-10 OS and logging with gmail account. how can i get the syncing bookmark on my … (baca lebih lanjut)

Dear Firefox team.

My Laptop OS was dead, I unable to syncing my bookmark on new windows-10 OS and logging with gmail account.

how can i get the syncing bookmark on my laptop.

can anyone help me. my bookmark is very important and up to date till last week.

Version : 24.0.2 (64-bit

Ditanyakan oleh Sheraz Ali 3 hari yang lalu

Youtube playlist stops playing on next video when Firefox has no focus

Hello. I use youtube website as music player quite often (without premium) and play my favorite list of songs. Meantime, when Google started meddling with youtube due to … (baca lebih lanjut)

Hello. I use youtube website as music player quite often (without premium) and play my favorite list of songs. Meantime, when Google started meddling with youtube due to their new offer as youtube premium I met two most annoying issues like "are You still watching" dialog and the behaviour where youtube just cleared "repeat list" function without my consent. Both issues was resolved with java scriplets I took from community.

Now I run into third issue but not sure how to diagnose it. If Firefox is in the background, or tab with youtube has no focus the playlists stops from time to time. The moment it stops is when next video should start playing. When browsing on different tab, I can see on Youtube tab that title of the video has changed (to the next video) and even the song started (for 1-2 seconds) then video pauses and word "playing" disappears from tab (normally there should be title on tab and "playing" word under title). It is not "are You still watching" dialog issue because if I move mouse cursor on youtube tab (even without setting focus on it) the player will continue - till next song.

The issue doesn't appear if youtube tab is active. I can't use developer tools in firefox because can't debugging website when tab of the site is not active (at least I don't know how). I tried to find solution with community but with no success. I allowed youtube to play video and sound always without exception in firefox preferences but it is not the solution.

Any tips?

Ditanyakan oleh zygdresze1 4 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh zygdresze1 4 hari yang lalu