Windows Security popup blocks user input

As WIN11 Pro administrator, using Firefox desktop 132.0.1, a popup saying "Windows Security - Do you want to allow public and private networks to access app? firefox.exe"… (daɗa karatu)

As WIN11 Pro administrator, using Firefox desktop 132.0.1, a popup saying "Windows Security - Do you want to allow public and private networks to access app? firefox.exe"

This popup blocked all user input except to click on the popup. That behavior is suspicious, so I used ctrl-alt-delete to close it - but no user input was allowed because the Task Manager was behind the modal full-screen popup. I manually shutdown (uncontrolled crash) rather than click on it. I suspect this popup is normal behavior, though I've never seen or heard of it before. Not all software plays fair after all. Nothing to report from perfmon.msc > reliability report. But we live in a software minefield, and I can't find record of anyone stepping on this mine before. If anyone has seen or heard of similar please make a comment. Thank you guys!

Asked by signmeup 1 awar da ta gabata

how to disable search history in the search/address bar?

I'm on version 131 on Linux. Even if I clear the hisotry entries in Ctr+H or Library Window->History tab, the search bar history still remains and I can view all my se… (daɗa karatu)

I'm on version 131 on Linux. Even if I clear the hisotry entries in Ctr+H or Library Window->History tab, the search bar history still remains and I can view all my searches by clicking in the search bar and typing Ctr+Z. This history is only cleared when I close the browser and open it back up again.

Can anyone else reproduce this problem?

How can I just straight up disable this search bar history and how can I clear it without doing Clear Browsing data and cookies -> Everything?

Asked by onlyforanonemails 9 awannin da su ka gabata


Hallo Wenn ich in Firefox eine Seite Öffne kommt sofort eine Betrugsversuchsmeldung von meinem Bitdefender Internet Security Programm. Inzwischen fast 500 mal seit 14 Tag… (daɗa karatu)

Hallo Wenn ich in Firefox eine Seite Öffne kommt sofort eine Betrugsversuchsmeldung von meinem Bitdefender Internet Security Programm. Inzwischen fast 500 mal seit 14 Tagen. Es handelt sich immer um die selbe Seite.

Habe die Seite am Router Und im PC  gesperrt. Hat nicht geholfen. Außer 2 Abstürze in den vergangenen Tagen kann ich jedoch keine Fehler oder sonstiges feststellen. Schon seit längerer Zeit kann ich mit Fierefox nicht mehr auf mein Bitdefender Central einwählen.

Hier die Copy der Meldung.


Wir haben diese Betrugsseite zu Ihrem Schutz blockiert: Betreiber von Betrugsseiten setzen auf Täuschung, um sich illegal zu bereichern. So kann ein gefälschter Online-Shop das Opfer zum Beispiel dazu bewegen, Zahlungen im Voraus zu leisten, ohne dass die Ware dann geliefert wird.

Wie kriege ich die Ratte wieder los.

Mit feundlichen Grüßen Peter Birk

Asked by pbirk 11 awannin da su ka gabata

file download security warning

I have a new computer, and had information and web sites transferred from my old computer to the new computer. Now when I try to open a web site, a get a warning stating… (daɗa karatu)

I have a new computer, and had information and web sites transferred from my old computer to the new computer. Now when I try to open a web site, a get a warning stating "do you want to open this file". These are not new sites, but ones from my old computer, and they are safe!!

How do I stop this warning pop up?

Thank you Allan

Asked by allan430 12 awannin da su ka gabata

Pop ups from firefox itself

On firefox, pop ups persistently appear in the top right at random times saying to update firefox, and sometimes pop ups in the lower left when browsing like today offere… (daɗa karatu)

On firefox, pop ups persistently appear in the top right at random times saying to update firefox, and sometimes pop ups in the lower left when browsing like today offered bing extension this morning. Pop ups FROM FIREFOX ITSELF are absurd annoying and unacceptable. How can I set it to ABSOLUTELY NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE pop up a message or notification of any kind?

Asked by Jaycub LeMaster 15 awannin da su ka gabata

Signing an e-mail

As an enthusiastic Thunderbird user, I recently installed Thunderbird for Android and set it up using a QR code. Fantastic! I always sign my outgoing emails with an Open… (daɗa karatu)

As an enthusiastic Thunderbird user, I recently installed Thunderbird for Android and set it up using a QR code. Fantastic!

I always sign my outgoing emails with an OpenPGP certificate. I have integrated this on my smartphone using OpenKeychain. The question now is: how do I sign the outgoing emails?

The key is set up correctly with OpenKeyChain, the menu item ‘Activate encryption’ (German: ‘Verschlüsselung aktivieren’) is displayed, but not the menu item ‘Activate PGP-only signing’ (German: PGP-nur-Signieren aktivieren).

Asked by Philippe Bonifatius 1 kwanan da ya gabata

Problem with security settings

I have upgraded my security settings in accordance with my ISP's parameters, but still get a messages saying that relay is impossible. ISP says problem is in Thunderbird.… (daɗa karatu)

I have upgraded my security settings in accordance with my ISP's parameters, but still get a messages saying that relay is impossible. ISP says problem is in Thunderbird. (Probably picnic as well) How can I fix this?

Asked by djthomas 2 kwanakin da su ka gabata

Permission setting change

I am using Firefox 132 on Debian 12 and when I set the permission"store data in persistent storage" to block it will change to its default state of 'always ask" i expect… (daɗa karatu)

I am using Firefox 132 on Debian 12 and when I set the permission"store data in persistent storage" to block it will change to its default state of 'always ask"

i expect when the change is made it should remain unchanged. Why is this change occurring?

Asked by burjet 3 kwanakin da su ka gabata

opslag fra en afsender lægger sig ind i andre afsendere i mailboxen.

Thunderbird Jeg har problemer med at sende mails til min penneveninde i Sydtyskland. Det viser sig desværre, at hun ikke har haft et virusprogram. Når hun sender fotos, … (daɗa karatu)


Jeg har problemer med at sende mails til min penneveninde i Sydtyskland. Det viser sig desværre, at hun ikke har haft et virusprogram. Når hun sender fotos, lægger disse fotos sig ind i stedet for de fotos, som kommer fra både private og offentlige mails. Det er sket et par gange. Nu er der også sket det, at et opslag fra en afsender – bliver vist som et kommenteret opslag på Facebook.

Jeg har kontaktet mit virusprogram som siger jeg ikke har virus og at jeg skal kontakte jer for at finde en løsning.

Når jeg vil sende noget til min penneven bliver mailen stoppet af Thunderbird med to advarsler, som jeg vedhæfter. Desværre ved jeg ikke hvad advarslerne betyder og ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre. Derfor beder jeg jer om hjælp fordi der måske er idenditetstyveri indblandet? Venlig hilsen Bente Nybjørn

Asked by nybjoern 3 kwanakin da su ka gabata

TLS certificate

Hi, I have AVAST anti-virus. Trying to connect to my YAHOO site (and many other sites) from Firefox , I get an "unrecognized issuer" message regarding the AVAST CA: i.e.… (daɗa karatu)

Hi, I have AVAST anti-virus.

Trying to connect to my YAHOO site (and many other sites) from Firefox , I get an "unrecognized issuer" message regarding the AVAST CA: i.e. the avast certificate is not recognized (see image)

Trying to connect to the same site(s) from Chrome, I get a "valid CA" message regarding the YAHOO certificate (see image) - no AVAST CA in the middle (at least not mention in a message...) .

My question: Why ?

Best, Avi

Asked by avishvartz1 3 kwanakin da su ka gabata

My cookies won't clear.

My cookies won't clear. When I try, I still show 304 kb, and this problem has persisted for several days. Note that I clear my cookies and history each time that I shut… (daɗa karatu)

My cookies won't clear. When I try, I still show 304 kb, and this problem has persisted for several days. Note that I clear my cookies and history each time that I shut down my computer.

Laura Bushey

Asked by Totallygirlylady 3 kwanakin da su ka gabata