Firefox accounts email preferences not working
I am trying to change my email preferences and the following is occuring: 1) from my account, I select Email Communications, which takes me to 2) https://basket.mozilla.org/fxa/?email=cswaim%40jcrl.net and that prompts me to sign in 3) after signing in, I am displayed https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/newsletter/recovery/ 4) I enter my email address and I am sent a link via email https://clicks.mozilla.org/f/a/8zrp86jZnVL2dfBjXU6Jvw~~/AAQRxQA~/***stuff deleted*** 5) this link takes em to step 2, and the loop continues.
I don't seem to be able to get all information to go to my primary email address, some goes to a secondary email, which is inactive.
All Replies (4)
In your step 3, I'm taken to:
I think the "recovery" is for when you aren't able to sign in.
As you probably noticed, in order for these pages to work, your sign-in needs to bridge numerous Mozilla servers (accounts.firefox.com, basket.mozilla.org, and www.mozilla.org). I think normally this would be done with a cookie, so I wonder whether your cookie settings are unusually restrictive. Or maybe there is some other feature used to allow the hand-off. ??
Thanks for the quick response.
I am using FF Developer Edition and I log into my FF account and follow the link from the account menu, email communication.
I have my Browser Privacy security set to strict. I tried setting it to standard, the default, and reloaded pages, still have the same response. I have tried this in a different browser and I get the same response.
I think something is wrong with the link or my account
Are you able to access the main Settings page at https://accounts.firefox.com/settings ?
Yes that is where I start, using the Email Communications link in the left menu