Localization discussions

Catalan (català) (ca)

  1. This is the main L10n forum thread for localizers who translate SUMO into Catalan (català) (ca) Please note, all globally important updates will be posted in the main forum as usual.

    Please use this thread to communicate, post updates, ask questions and greet new localizers.

    Useful Links (if you want to add something here, please PM me)

    Locale group

    Locale Leaders, Reviewers

    Articles that need work - the dashboard

    Community hub - l10n

    Global l10n team (MozWiki)

    Getting started with localizing SUMO

    This is the main L10n forum thread for localizers who translate SUMO into '''Catalan (català) (ca)''' Please note, all '''globally''' important updates will be posted in the main forum as usual. Please use this thread to communicate, post updates, ask questions and greet new localizers. '''Useful Links''' (if you want to add something here, please [https://support.mozilla.org/user/vesper PM me]) [https://support.mozilla.org/groups/catalan-localization Locale group] [https://support.mozilla.org/kb/locales/ca Locale Leaders, Reviewers] [https://support.mozilla.org/ca/localization Articles that need work - the dashboard] [https://support.mozilla.org/community/top-contributors/l10n?locale=ca Community hub - l10n] [https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Teams:ca Global l10n team (MozWiki)] [https://support.mozilla.org/kb/localize-mozilla-support Getting started with localizing SUMO]
  2. Hola! Estic interessada en participar com a voluntària a l'àrea de traducció/localització de l'anglès al català. Què haig de fer per començar a traduir? Gràcies! _

    Hi everyone! I'm interested in participating as a volunteer for translation/localization of English into Catalan. What do I have to do to start translating? Thank you!

    Hola! Estic interessada en participar com a voluntària a l'àrea de traducció/localització de l'anglès al català. Què haig de fer per començar a traduir? Gràcies! _ Hi everyone! I'm interested in participating as a volunteer for translation/localization of English into Catalan. What do I have to do to start translating? Thank you!
  3. Hola Laura!

    I think that you should contact the locale leader, but this locale looks abandoned :(. In this case you can get in touch with Giulia to give you a locale reviewer role. It's much easier to make changes with this role.

    Hola Laura! I think that you should contact the locale leader, but this locale looks abandoned :(. In this case you can get in touch with [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/user/gguizzardi Giulia] to give you a locale reviewer role. It's much easier to make changes with this role.
  4. Hola,

    M'agradaria contribuir traduint les pàgines de Firefox al català. Com podria començar? Hi ha algú en especial per posar-me en contacte?

    Moltes gràcies, Marc


    I'd like to contribute translating Firefox pages and site to Catalan. How can I start with? Someone to contact with, particularly?

    Many thanks, Marc

    Hola, M'agradaria contribuir traduint les pàgines de Firefox al català. Com podria començar? Hi ha algú en especial per posar-me en contacte? Moltes gràcies, Marc Hi, I'd like to contribute translating Firefox pages and site to Catalan. How can I start with? Someone to contact with, particularly? Many thanks, Marc
  5. Hi Marc,

    You can go here to localize SUMO support article in Catalan. Note that you will need approval from the locale leaders/reviewers (see here).

    Hope it help!

    Hi Marc, You can go [https://support.mozilla.org/ca/localization here] to localize SUMO support article in Catalan. Note that you will need approval from the locale leaders/reviewers (see [https://support.mozilla.org/ca/kb/locales/ca/ here]). Hope it help!