Progressive Web Apps are harshing my buzz
How can I save a link to my android launcher and have it open in firefox even when the target has a manifest.json for a PWA?
By now I've done a bunch or research about PWAs. Old man Moz. has a nifty article about building them too.
Apparently they've been all the rage since 2017 or so.
But it's driving me up the wall at the moment. I like all the browser goodness available when I look at a website. Multiple tabs. Easy fwd/back navigation between sites. The ability to fire up another tab right there. Bookmark a particular page. Send a link. Whatever it is, I want my browser functionality.
I want to be able to save a link to my android launcher and have it open in firefox even if the marketing dept at the website would rather I thought it was an app.
Surely there is something in about:config? I've searched for everything I could think of and come up empty.