Firefox Hello can't access my camera or microphone

Seda teemat ei täiendata enam, selle sisu võib olla aegunud.

Firefox Hello has been removed from Firefox. Learn more.

Firefox Hello will ask to use your camera or microphone at the beginning of each call, unless you've set your permissions to automatically block or allow access. Follow these steps to change these permissions settings.

  1. Click on the site identity icon (the lock symbol) in the address bar.
  2. Choose Allow on each menu next to Use the Camera and Use the Microphone:
    allow device hello urlallow hello url 42
  3. Click anywhere on the web page to close the menu, then click the Retry button.
Flashblock users: Flashblock might block video images on Firefox Hello. If you're not seeing any video even after Firefox Hello has activated your camera, try disabling the Flashblock add-on.

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