Autocomplete settings in the Firefox Focus address bar

Keegi pole seda teemat veel tõlkinud. Kui sa juba tead, kuidas SUMO tõlkimine käib, siis alusta kohe tõlkimist. Kui soovid SUMO teemade tõlkimist õppida, siis palun alusta siit.

Firefox Focus for Android helps you get to websites faster with URL autocomplete. This feature is on by default, but you can turn it off and manage your custom URLs.

Turn Autocomplete on or off

  1. Tap the menu button next to the address bar:

  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Go to Search.
  4. Tap URL Autocomplete.
    • For Top sites: autocompletes popular sites around the Web.
    • For Sites You Add: Lets you add your own sites to autocomplete.
  5. Tap Manage sites to add a custom URL.
  6. Tap SAVE when you're done.

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