Personal certificates autentication

Hi staff, my problem is about personal certificates and their use in official website. Although modifying security.remember_cert_checkbox_default_setting to false preven… (leer más)

Hi staff, my problem is about personal certificates and their use in official website.

Although modifying security.remember_cert_checkbox_default_setting to false prevents it from remembering the certificate used on that page after closing the browser, in some cases it causes the browser to ask me for the certificate several times in a row until the authentication on the web is completed. Keep in mind that if it is unchecked, it will not remember the certificate between sessions or throughout the current session. The latter is very important.

For me, the solution would be an option that distinguished between "remember authentication decisions only in the current session" (which would be as it was before and how it works in other browsers) and "remember authentication decisions between sessions". I do not understand how this drastic change has been implemented with the use of digital certificates without offering an alternative to leaving it as it was before, which, as I say, is precisely how the rest of the browsers work.

Could you please let us know if you have considered this option is futures updatings? I would be very interetings so as to not chaging to another browser such as chrome or edge. Please could you provide a honestly answer?

Asked by M. K. Hace 13 horas

Abrir descargas en firefox sin cambiar de pestaña

Hola, por una cuestión laboral tengo que descargar y abrir varios archivos (PDF) a la vez y me quita tiempo tener que estar cambiando constantemente de pestaña Quisiera … (leer más)

Hola, por una cuestión laboral tengo que descargar y abrir varios archivos (PDF) a la vez y me quita tiempo tener que estar cambiando constantemente de pestaña

Quisiera saber si existe una forma de que cara archivo que descargo no me redirija a la nueva pestaña

PD: para este caso, desmarcar la opción "Cuando abra un enlace en una nueva pestaña, cambiar a ella inmediatamente" no me funciona y tampoco encuentro cual debería cambiar en about:config


Asked by marianojm Hace 3 días