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Limit suggestions to only URLs in the URL search bar

When typing in the URL search bar I'd like to see ONLY URLs I've visited previously, bookmarks and currently open tabs. If I want to search using a search engine, I'll ha… (read more)

When typing in the URL search bar I'd like to see ONLY URLs I've visited previously, bookmarks and currently open tabs. If I want to search using a search engine, I'll happily type in the search engine bar. Instead, most of the dropdown candidates are search engine autocompletions, with just a few recommendations based on my search history. Why show any search engine autocompletions at all? It doesn't help me AT ALL but I frequently know there are many more than 3 possible completion candidates in my previous history - and yet I can't see them.

Asked by martin.sarabura 9 months ago

Answered by zeroknight 9 months ago

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userChrome.css not working after updating to Firefox 117

I am using some custom SVG icons for my bookmark folders. I had my userChrome.css setup to set the icons based on the folder names, as well as color the icons with whate… (read more)

I am using some custom SVG icons for my bookmark folders. I had my userChrome.css setup to set the icons based on the folder names, as well as color the icons with whatever the theme color was. This userChrome.css file worked fine in Firefox 116, but no longer works in 117. Now a couple of the icons are invisible, and the rest of them are black instead of the expected purple color from my theme. Can anyone help?


 -moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity, stroke !important;
 stroke: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill) !important;


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.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Homelab"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M7.5.5l.325-.38a.5.5 0 00-.65 0L7.5.5zm-7 6l-.325-.38L0 6.27v.23h.5zm5 8v.5a.5.5 0 00.5-.5h-.5zm4 0H9a.5.5 0 00.5.5v-.5zm5-8h.5v-.23l-.175-.15-.325.38zM1.5 15h4v-1h-4v1zm13.325-8.88l-7-6-.65.76 7 6 .65-.76zm-7.65-6l-7 6 .65.76 7-6-.65-.76zM6 14.5v-3H5v3h1zm3-3v3h1v-3H9zm.5 3.5h4v-1h-4v1zm5.5-1.5v-7h-1v7h1zm-15-7v7h1v-7H0zM7.5 10A1.5 1.5 0 019 11.5h1A2.5 2.5 0 007.5 9v1zm0-1A2.5 2.5 0 005 11.5h1A1.5 1.5 0 017.5 10V9zm6 6a1.5 1.5 0 001.5-1.5h-1a.5.5 0 01-.5.5v1zm-12-1a.5.5 0 01-.5-.5H0A1.5 1.5 0 001.5 15v-1z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Privacy"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='none' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M12.587 3.513a6.03 6.03 0 01.818 3.745v.75c0 .788.205 1.563.595 2.247M4.483 6.508c0-.795.313-1.557.871-2.119a2.963 2.963 0 012.103-.877c.789 0 1.545.315 2.103.877.558.562.871 1.324.871 2.12v.748c0 1.621.522 3.198 1.487 4.495m-4.46-5.244v1.498A10.542 10.542 0 009.315 14M4.483 9.505A13.559 13.559 0 005.821 14m-3.643-1.498a16.63 16.63 0 01-.669-5.244V6.51a6.028 6.028 0 01.79-3.002 5.97 5.97 0 012.177-2.2 5.914 5.914 0 015.955-.004' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

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.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Firefox"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' width='16' height='16' viewBox='0 0 1000 1000' xml:space='preserve' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' %3E%3Cpath d='M503.8,975c-103.2,0-195.2-27.4-275.9-82.3C147.1,837.8,87,765.2,47.6,674.7C26.5,627,14.3,572.1,11,510.1s1.5-122.6,14.2-181.8s33-116.1,60.7-170.6c27.7-54.5,60.3-98.7,97.9-132.6l-6,153.7c4-5.1,16.4-7.9,37.2-8.5c20.8-0.5,33.5,2.3,38.3,8.5c15.3-29.5,44.6-54.7,87.8-75.5c43.2-20.8,86-31.5,128.2-32.3c-19.7,16.4-41.5,43.5-65.4,81.2c-23.9,37.7-34.5,67.5-32,89.4c9.1,2.9,20.5,5.4,34.2,7.4c13.7,2,25.2,3.4,34.5,4.1c9.3,0.7,21.7,1.5,37.2,2.2c15.5,0.7,24.7,1.3,27.6,1.6c5.5,1.8,7.2,10.1,5.2,24.9c-2,14.8-7.6,28.5-16.7,41.3c-1.8,2.6-4.8,5.9-9,10.1c-4.2,4.2-14.5,10.7-30.9,19.4c-16.4,8.8-34.8,14.9-55.2,18.6l8.2,103.4l-76-36.6c-6.6,15.7-7.9,30.5-4.1,44.6c3.8,14,10.4,26.2,19.7,36.4c9.3,10.2,21.2,17.8,35.8,22.7s29.4,6.1,44.3,3.6c18.6-3.3,36.5-9.6,53.6-18.9c17.1-9.3,32.4-17.5,45.7-24.6c13.3-7.1,26.7-10.3,40.2-9.6c22.2,1.5,38.6,7.5,48.9,18c10.4,10.6,13.9,22.4,10.7,35.5c-0.4,0.7-0.8,1.7-1.4,3c-0.5,1.3-2.1,3.6-4.6,6.8c-2.6,3.3-5.8,6.1-9.8,8.5c-4,2.4-9.8,4.3-17.2,5.7c-7.5,1.5-16,1.6-25.4,0.5c-21.9,34.6-48.2,59.3-79,74.1c-30.8,14.8-69,20.1-114.6,16.1c27,22.2,56.6,37.3,88.9,45.1c32.3,7.8,63,8.9,92.2,3.3c29.2-5.7,57.3-15.1,84.5-28.4c27.2-13.3,50.5-29.3,70-47.9c19.5-18.6,34.2-37.6,44-56.9c15.7-33.2,22.8-68.3,21.3-105.3c-1.5-37-8.3-71.4-20.5-103.1c-12.2-31.7-26.5-54.5-42.9-68.4c31.7,13.9,56.7,28.3,74.9,43.5c18.2,15.1,32.3,35.6,42.1,61.5c5.5-62-5-124.5-31.4-187.6C770.2,153.4,732,101.6,682,61.1c96.6,28.1,171.7,79,225.3,152.9s81.1,168.2,82.6,283c0.7,46.3-6.7,92.8-22.1,139.5s-38,90.1-67.5,130.2c-29.5,40.1-64,75.8-103.4,107.2c-39.4,31.4-84.5,56.1-135.4,74.1C610.7,966,558.1,975,503.8,975L503.8,975z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

Asked by xnl69 9 months ago

Answered by cor-el 9 months ago

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Bookmarks toolbar, website address, and taskbar are hidden

All of a sudden, Firefox stopped showing bookmarks toolbar and website address at top of the page; and it stopped showing taskbar at bottom of page. I've attached a scree… (read more)

All of a sudden, Firefox stopped showing bookmarks toolbar and website address at top of the page; and it stopped showing taskbar at bottom of page. I've attached a screenshot to show what it looks like without these features.

If I scroll over the top of the page, the bookmarks toolbar and website address appear; but I would like them to show by default. And I haven't figured out how to show taskbar at bottom of page without exiting from Firefox.

How can I restore these features.

Asked by hgberman 9 months ago

Answered by hgberman 9 months ago

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Moving firefox profile: No response / no effect

I’m having trouble moving firefox to a new computer. I copy the files, expecting to see my existing set up with bookmarks, extensions, and passwords, and I get no respons… (read more)

I’m having trouble moving firefox to a new computer. I copy the files, expecting to see my existing set up with bookmarks, extensions, and passwords, and I get no response, no errors, just completely fresh firefox.

Both systems are on arch linux and both running Firefox 117.0. I completely close both firefox. I copy ~/.mozilla/firefox to an ext4 thumb drive from my old computer. on the new computer, I delete the existing ~/.mozilla/firefox. I copy the files from the thumb drive to /firefox/. I restart firefox. unmodified firefox

I’ve also tried chowing the files. and also chmoding 700 and 755 (advice from old stackoverflow threads) ive tried chowing and chmoding. Each time i restart the whole process for posterity. Still no response

I’m dumbfounded as to why it’s not working, and I don’t even know where to look now

Asked by steve.flumph.2 9 months ago

Answered by steve.flumph.2 9 months ago

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Firefox URL address window

I have both the standard address window, and a separate search window. When I type a into the ADDRESS window, I expect to go there. Instead, I get a google … (read more)

I have both the standard address window, and a separate search window. When I type a into the ADDRESS window, I expect to go there. Instead, I get a google search! WTF?!

Asked by fridaymanyfeathers 9 months ago

Answered by zeroknight 9 months ago

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How can I disable this bar from showing?

I use an translator extension for firefox for russian so I do not need this integrated tool and it's annoying to see it everytime I open a russian page. Please help me, I… (read more)

I use an translator extension for firefox for russian so I do not need this integrated tool and it's annoying to see it everytime I open a russian page. Please help me, I don't know what the source is of this translator but I can tell it's not from an extensions as I deleted every extension and tried, not worked.

Asked by Machlath 9 months ago

Answered by zeroknight 9 months ago