What is included in BadgeKit?

Dotychměst njejo něchten pomagał, toś ten nastawk pśełožowaś. Jolic južo wěsćo, kak pśełožujo se na SUMO, zachopśo ned pśełožowaś. Jolic cośo wuknuś, kak móžośo nastawki za SUMO pśełožowaś, zachopśo pšosym how.

Currently, BadgeKit supports key points in the badging experience, including:

  • Design: A tool for defining all of the metadata, including criteria pages, and finalizing visual design for each badge.
    • Templates: Visual and metadata designs that can be remixed by anyone creating a badge.
    • Milestones: The ability to have a group of badges level up to a larger, more significant badge.
  • Assess: A tool for mentor or peer assessment that includes issuer defining rubrics and criteria for a badge, the ability for learners to apply for a badge by adding information and evidence, as well as access for assessors to manage applications and enable review and scoring.
  • Issue: A tool for awarding badges to learners and hosting assertions to enable badges to be pushed to Backpacks.
  • Collect: A “Backpack” for collecting badges across various experiences or organizations.

Throughout 2014, we will be adding additional tools to BadgeKit, including:

  • Discover: A directory of available badges with features for searching, filtering, wish listing and endorsing badges.
  • Share: A tool to enable easy sharing of badges on various sites across the web (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.).
  • Collect: Backpacks will become “federated”, meaning that different instances still plug into the broader ecosystem and can share data across.

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