Webpages are large and blurry after updating Firefox - how to fix

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 43770
  • Created:
  • Creator: scoobidiver
  • Comment: text smaller for screen
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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Note: This article only applies to Windows.
Note: This article does not apply to your version of Firefox.

The good news is that Firefox now supports high resolution monitors. The bad news is that this may have the effect of making websites look bigger than you're used to. We'll show you two ways to make Firefox's default zoom level back to the way it was.

Make the text on your screen smaller

You can make the text and other items, such as icons, on your screen smaller while letting it to its optimal resolution. To do this, follow steps in To increase or decrease the size of objects and text on your screenMake the text on your screen larger or smaller on microsoft.com.

Install NoSquint and set the global page zoom to 80%

This should restore the previous page zoom behavior.

  1. Open the NoSquint page on the Add-ons website.
  2. Click the green Add to Firefox button to install NoSquint.
  3. When the installation is done, you will be prompted to click Restart Now to complete the process.
  4. When Firefox restarts you will see a magnifying glass in the Add-ons bar at the bottom of the Firefox window. Click the magnifying glass to open the NoSquint settings.
    Open NoSquint Settings
  5. In the NoSquit settings window, click Global Settings. This will open an additional Global Settings window.
    NoSquint Global Settings
  6. In the Global Settings window, click on the Zooming tab and change the Default full page zoom level to 80%.
    NoSquint Fix
    Note: This is based on Windows setting the computer default to 125%. If this is not the case on your computer, you might have to experiment with something different than 80% to get the results you want.
  7. Click OK to make the change and close the Global Settings window.
  8. Click OK to close the NoSquint settings window. The process should now be complete.

You may notice that NoSquint adds a + and - button to your toolbar. If you want to remove them you can click Remove toolbar buttons on the NoSquint page that opened when Firefox restarted. If you don't have that page open any longer you can always remove them with these instructions.