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Font size and zoom - increase the size of web pages

Revision 6517:

Revision 6517 by scoobidiver on

Revision 6868:

Revision 6868 by scoobidiver on


zoom text page
zoom page

Search results summary:

Page Zoom is a feature which allows you to increase or decrease the size of web pages to improve readability.
Page Zoom allows you to increase or decrease the size of web pages to improve readability.


Page Zoom is a feature which allows you to increase or decrease the size of web pages to improve readability. = How To Use Page Zoom = == Keyboard == * To zoom in, increasing the page size, press and hold {for mac}{key command}{/for}{for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for} while pressing {key &#43}. * To zoom out, decreasing the page size, press and hold {for mac}{key command}{/for}{for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for} while pressing {key -}. * To reset page size back to normal, press and hold {for mac}{key command}{/for}{for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for} while pressing {key 0}. == Mouse == If your mouse has a scroll wheel, press and hold {key Ctrl} while scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out. == Menu == # {for win,linux}At the top of the Firefox window{/for}{for mac}On the menu bar{/for}, click the {menu View} menu, then go to {menu Zoom}. # Select either {menu Zoom In}, {menu Zoom Out}, or {menu Reset} for their corresponding action. #* You can choose {menu Zoom Text Only}, which will make the controls only apply to text, not images.
Page Zoom allows you to increase or decrease the size of web pages to improve readability. = How To Use Page Zoom = == Keyboard == * To zoom in, increasing the page size, press and hold {for mac}{key command}{/for}{for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for} while pressing {key +}. * To zoom out, decreasing the page size, press and hold {for mac}{key command}{/for}{for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for} while pressing {key -}. * To reset page size back to normal, press and hold {for mac}{key command}{/for}{for win,linux}{key Ctrl}{/for} while pressing {key 0}. == Mouse == If your mouse has a scroll wheel, press and hold {key Ctrl} while scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out. == Menu == # {for win,linux}At the top of the Firefox window{/for}{for mac}On the menu bar{/for}, click the {menu View} menu, then go to {menu Zoom}. # Select either {menu Zoom In}, {menu Zoom Out}, or {menu Reset} for their corresponding action. ** You can choose {menu Zoom Text Only}, which will make the controls only apply to text, not images.

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