Control cellular and data connections and settings on Firefox OS

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How Do I Control Cellular and Data Connections and Settings?

Enable or disable your data connection by using the settings application or the notification tray.

  1. Tap Settings App (small) and choose Cellular & Data.
    Carrier, data, roaming, and advanced settings information will appear.
  2. Enable or disable your data connection and data roaming settings by tapping the button.data_connection

  3. Use Advanced Settings to set up or change your network provider.
The data network appears under Data Connection when enabled.
Tip: Use the Cost Control application to check your data usage and to set notifications when you reach low levels.


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Rosćo a źělśo swóju kompetencu z drugimi. Wótegrońśo na pšašanja a pólěpšćo našu wědowu datowu banku.

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