Check the battery level

Seda teemat ei täiendata enam, selle sisu võib olla aegunud.

To check the battery level:

  1. Tap on settings icon to open the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down to the Device section and tap on Battery.
    BatterySettingsFirefoxOSWakaFlockabattery fos 1.3
    • The current battery level appears in the form of a percentage.

Under the current level percentage, you will also see Power save mode. Please visit this article to learn more about saving battery power.

Tip: The battery level also appears in the notification bar.
  1. Open the Settings app Settings 1.3Settings 1.4Settings- 2.0 (small) .
  2. Scroll down to the Device section until you see Battery. This view shows the percentage of battery life left.

Please visit this article to learn more about saving battery power.

Tip: The battery level also appears in the notification bar.

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