Am I really hacking a web page?

Dotychměst njejo něchten pomagał, toś ten nastawk pśełožowaś. Jolic južo wěsćo, kak pśełožujo se na SUMO, zachopśo ned pśełožowaś. Jolic cośo wuknuś, kak móžośo nastawki za SUMO pśełožowaś, zachopśo pšosym how.

The term "hacking" gets a lot of negative press, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's always a bad thing. When we talk about hacking with X-Ray Goggles, we are talking about the act of rolling up your sleeves, taking something apart, understanding how it works, and using the original parts to do something new and creative.

When you use X-Ray Goggles, you're not actually breaking in to the web page itself like a cyber attacker would. X-Ray Goggles actually "forks" a copy of the page and hosts it on a brand new web page, adding in the changes that you decide to make using the tool.

Goggles allows you to actually view the page's source code, so you can understand how it works and learn valuable skills to enhance your own digital work.

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