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Add shortcuts to websites on your home screen

Revision 158860:

Revision 158860 by heyjoni on

Revision 169602:

Revision 169602 by heyjoni on


Search results summary:

Add shortcuts to websites on your Android's home screen so you can access them quickly.
Add shortcuts to websites on your Android's home screen so you can access them quickly.


[[Template:rocketindonesia]] Firefox Rocket lets you add shortcuts to your favorite web pages so you can access them from the home screen. #Open the web page in Firefox Rocket. #[[Template:rocketmenu]] #Tap the ''Add to Home screen'' button (tiles with a plus sign) at the bottom row of your menu. #;[[Image:add to home screen rocket]] #In the ''Add to Home screen'' window that opens, tap and hold on the tile to drag it to your home screen, or tap '''Add Automatically''' to let Firefox Rocket add it for you.
[[Template:rocketindonesia]] Firefox Lite lets you add shortcuts to your favorite web pages so you can access them from the home screen. #Open the web page in Firefox Lite. #[[Template:rocketmenu]] #Tap the ''Add to Home screen'' button (tiles with a plus sign) at the bottom row of your menu. #;[[Image:add to home screen rocket]] #In the ''Add to Home screen'' window that opens, tap and hold on the tile to drag it to your home screen, or tap '''Add Automatically''' to let Firefox Lite add it for you.

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