Popular plugins

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Plugins are small programs that can be added to browsers like Firefox to manage Internet content that Firefox is not designed to process. For example, Adobe Systems provides a plugin to manage animated content in the Flash format.

This article contains descriptions of the most popular plugins that you are likely to need. For each platform, instructions are provided for where to acquire them.

Adobe Flash Player

For animation, games, and other non-static content, the Flash format (officially known as SWF) delivers the dynamic visuals from many websites. With widespread available across many platforms, the Flash video format (FLV) has gained popularity for embedding audio and video content. To access Flash content on the web, you must install the Flash plugin.

-=Platform availability=- The Flash plugin is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux from the official Adobe website.

Windows Media Player

The Windows Media Player plugin is useful for displaying Windows Media content, which includes a variety of audio and visual formats. The Windows Media Player program is a standard component of the Windows operating system. A plugin is available for playing content through your Firefox browser.

-=Platform availability=-

The Windows Media Player plugin is designed to work primarily with Windows systems. Note that there are different versions of the plugin, depending on the version of Windows that you are using:

Note: Due to differences between Internet Explorer and Firefox, some kinds of media that play through the Windows Media Player in Internet Explorer will play through Quicktime in Firefox. If the content is embedded only for Internet Explorer playback, it may not play at all. For more information, see the Using the Windows Media Player plugin with Firefox article.

The Windows Media Player plugin is no longer supported on the Mac platform. Flip4Mac adds Windows Media playback to Quicktime and is the officially recognized substitute. For more information, see the Play Windows Media files in Firefox with the Windows Media plugin article.

The Windows Media Player plugin is not available for Linux, but MPlayer with the gecko-mediaplayer or with the mplayerplug-in allows the playback of embedded Windows media. For more information, see the Play Windows Media files in Firefox with the Windows Media plugin article.

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is used to display of Portable Document Format (PDF) files. PDF is designed for publishing many kinds of documents. A PDF document has an identical appearance across most platforms and requires less storage space than other formats rich in graphics and features. The Adobe Reader program is a free viewer that can display the PDF format and includes a browser plugin.

-=Platform availability=-

Adobe Reader is available from the official Adobe website.

The Adobe Reader program is available for the Mac platform, but the included browser plugin does not work with Firefox. A third-party plugin can be used to display PDF files - see Use Adobe Reader to view PDF files in Firefox for details.


The Quicktime plugin is required for Quicktime media formats. The Quicktime plugin can also play common media formats like MPEG, WAV and MP3, which may not play back through the Windows Media Player plugin.

-=Platform availability=-

The Quicktime program is available from the official Apple website.

An official plugin is not available for Linux, but MPlayer with the gecko-mediaplayer or with the mplayerplug-in allows the playback of Quicktime media.


The RealPlayer plugin is required for playback of Real Media formats.

-=Platform availability=- RealPlayer is available from the official Real website. The browser plugin is included.


Java is a programming language that enables the execution of the same program across multiple platforms without changes to the code. Many websites embed small Java applications such as games or utilities into web pages. To display Java content, you must install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which includes a browser plugin.

-=Platform availability=-

The Java Runtime Environment is available from the official Java website.

Java is a pre-installed core component. No additional installation is required.


The Shockwave format is used for multimedia content like games, presentations, and learning applications. The Shockwave plugin enables playback of Shockwave content in your Firefox browser.

-=Platform availability=-

The Shockwave player is available from the official Adobe website.

An official plugin is not available for Linux. The CrossOver Office application for Unix platforms (including Mac and Linux) enables the use of Windows browser plugins, including the Shockwave plugin.


The Silverlight format is used for multimedia content like games, presentations, and videos.

-=Platform availability=-

The Silverlight plugin is available from the Microsoft website.

An open source implementation of the Microsoft Silverlight plugin is available from Mono.org's Moonlight project page.

VLC Media Player

The VLC Media Player is an open source multimedia player that plays most audio and video formats. It includes a plugin for playing media within your Firefox browser.

-=Platform availability=- The VLC Media Player and its plugin are available from the VideoLAN website.


The gecko-mediaplayer is an open source plugin that allows to play most audio and video formats using GNOME MPlayer (a frontend for MPlayer, an open source multimedia player).

-=Platform availability=-

The gecko-mediaplayer is available from the project website and from distribution repositories.

The plugin is not available for Mac or Windows platform.