[ca][Firefox] Localization Dashboard

Locale: català

Volunteer for Mozilla Support
Vista Esquema
Top 100 Articles
These are the top 100 most visited articles in the last 30 days, which account for over 99% of the traffic to the Knowledge Base.
3 of 100 3%
Top 50 Articles
These are the top 50 most visited articles in the last 30 days.
3 of 50 6%
Top 20 Articles
These are the top 20 most visited articles in the last 30 days, which account for over 50% of the traffic to the Knowledge Base.
3 of 20 15%
Tots els articles de la base de coneixements
This is the number of all Knowledge Base articles that are ready to be localized.
3 of 417 1%
Templates are a way of reusing pieces of content across KB articles. You can create and update a set of instructions in one place, and then refer to it in other pages.
0 of 80 0%
User Interface
Una interfície d'usuari traduïda millora l'experiència dels visitants en la vostra llengua. Podeu ajudar a traduir-ne la interfície.
Most Visited
Article Visites Estat
Detecció de portal cautiu 418.000
Cal una revisió
Avís de codi d'acces no segur en el Firefox 167.553
Cal una actualització
Back up and transfer your Firefox data to a new device 146.393
Translation Needed
Common Myths about Private Browsing 136.892
Translation Needed
Finestra d'opcions 68.347
Immediate Update Needed
Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox for desktop 60.667
Translation Needed
Segells de complement 47.939
Immediate Update Needed
How to troubleshoot time related errors on secure websites 44.358
Translation Needed
How to troubleshoot security error codes on secure websites 38.068
Translation Needed
Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars 26.769
Translation Needed
Permission request messages for Firefox extensions 25.072
Translation Needed
Instal·lació del Firefox a Linux 22.549
Immediate Update Needed
How to clear the Firefox cache 21.973
Translation Needed
Galetes 20.857
Cal una actualització
Windows 10 warns me to use a "Microsoft-verified" app 20.425
Translation Needed
Clear cookies and site data in Firefox 18.228
Translation Needed
Firefox's performance settings 17.545
Translation Needed
What do the security warning codes mean? 16.924
Translation Needed
Does Firefox share my location with websites? 15.974
Translation Needed
Web Push notifications in Firefox 15.356
Translation Needed
Unreviewed Changes
Article Visits in last 30 days Changed
Detecció de portal cautiu
changed by jordis
4 months ago
Tecles de drecera
changed by Scrum
10 years ago
Article Estat
Immediate Update Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed
Translation Needed