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  • Ikhiyiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Browsers UI didn't change since 1999 according to a study

It is ABSURD https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/tab-overload/ Why browsers UI didn't change from 1999, when we know it causes tab overload, brain has to constantly filter … (funda kabanzi)

It is ABSURD https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/tab-overload/

Why browsers UI didn't change from 1999, when we know it causes tab overload, brain has to constantly filter everything it sees and how we engage with information is cruical in this age. All we get after 24 years are 4 categories to group tabs. I had even 3000 tabs peaking, average 1000+ reading philosophy. Einstein said: "human stupidity is infinite"...

Bookmarks are atrocious, you cannot even scroll panel with mouse holding bar, cannot cltr+f for existing folders, bookmark manager doesn't find existing folders, it sorts folders with bookmarks together contained under a folder... Doesn't have even tags, with thousands of bookmarks and folders, it would take 10 minutes to find fitting folder... I didn't also find any good 3rd party solutions really...

There are tab manager addons, but if you have again a lot of different tabs, it won't help you, it is useful for short-term workloads, but then you have nothing to store things in more permanent way. Also making notes all the time with reading would cost too energy especially if you need to research many things together... There is prototype of AI that saves all things based how you hover cursor over text etc. It would be great if it supported AI tracking and then highlights important info and makes notes, it is not publicly available yet in some solution...

Note taking programs suffer from same issues, missing core features, chat with AI is still very rudimentary and won't help you bring some small notes or piece of info you read 2 years ago, or something specific on-demand... When note taking program cannot even collapse notebooks on main view and you have seeing like 100ths different entries, or doesn't show available tags and selecte multiple of them quickly together under each notebook...

bottom line: there is no tab management really and all addons are really basic and doesn't support long-term intelligent storage for a lots of tabs so you find what you look for later, bookmarks are unuseable after certain amount (again no good third party solutions i saw...). Note taking programs all suffer from same issues, missing core features, again it is impossible to navigate any else way except using tags, but then if you have many then what, you cannot use tags to find thing nested under 20 other things, some specific bit of info, it will still be vehement to sort, if you cannot use multiple things together like jump to notebook and then see all tags what are there available, which would work better, you cannot remember all tags in each notebook you have... All solutions that exist missing core features and are overly simplistic and vehement... This gave me executive dysfunctions...

And if i give feedback to devs of absolutely logical core things, or what could be better and is missing and what stems from purpose and function and is self-evident: they tell me i am brilliant, it is ABSURD... Don't know what to say... 2023 there is still not way to efficiently make notes, capture knowledge... Even my former 160IQ friend said he had millions of files on disk basically has no idea where anything is... Learns everything from memory as he reads it before he goes to next things... It is really dumb in information age, so much interesting things from what we read is permanently lost, there is no really good way to capture info and link it and bring it easily later... Just diet, or healthy lifestyle can be complex and many different areas that are related and are under 20 other things... IT is impossible to find something later... It is absurdly bad how devs don't realize these things and normal ppl tell you you are crazy if you have over 10 tabs, while it was shown today work can generate easily over 100 tabs and it is important to manage information well... Yet there are no solutions, would have to hire programmer for every small thing i notice somewhere is missing, or is vehement useless basically...

Asked by empleat 9 izinyanga ezidlule

Last reply by Paul 9 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Lost tabs, found...but

I had two Firefox windows open. One had 100+ tabs open, the other had around 5 open. Like a klutz I accidentally closed the window with the 100+ tabs open instead of the … (funda kabanzi)

I had two Firefox windows open. One had 100+ tabs open, the other had around 5 open. Like a klutz I accidentally closed the window with the 100+ tabs open instead of the other window. Now when Firefox restarts it opens the version with the 5 tabs.  :-( I read about lost tabs in Firefox. I have found a file with the 100+ tabs in it. It is called: upgrade.jsonlz4-20221007134813. But what do I do next to restore Firefox to restart with the 100+ tabs version? Thanks.

Asked by WW13 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by WW13 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Old closed tab randomly reloads - multiple devices

Many, many months ago I did mundane search and opened a webpage in a new tab, as per normal. Nothing particularly stood out about this search and when I was done, I close… (funda kabanzi)

Many, many months ago I did mundane search and opened a webpage in a new tab, as per normal. Nothing particularly stood out about this search and when I was done, I closed the tab. I didn't do anything different. I didn't save a bookmark or change any settings. I just looked at the webpage and then closed it when I was done. (It was a web article on some random tech site, if that matters)

Anyway, now whenever I open up my Firefox browser there seems to be a random chance that this previously closed tab will open on loading. And when I say random chance, I'd say about 1 in 5 chance. It doesn't always happen.

Just to be clear: I do have the browser set to restore my previous sessions. This is a setting I want to have on. However, this tab was not part of my previous session as I specifically closed it - and continue to close it every time it opens itself. Also, my Homepage is set to default and nothing else.

Not only that, but there are two very peculiar details about this case that make it very, very strange: 1. When I originally opened (and closed) this tab, I was using normal Firefox. I have since switched to Firefox Nightly. All of my other tabs that I like to keep open had to be searched and loaded up manually, one by one, after I did the switch. This one tab, however, is just showing up on its own. 2. Opening Firefox on a separate devices (second desktop PC, laptop, android phone) will occasionally load up this tab.

I do have my browsers set to sync, which is what I'm assuming is why it's following me around. But I don't understand why nor how to stop this specific page from loading after I keep closing it time and time again. Plus, why aren't any of my old tabs from my old Firefox browser following this same behavior after moving to Nightly? - I've closed hundreds, if not thousands of tabs. Why is this one following me around?

Asked by R3 7 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by R3 7 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Opening New Tabs without Switching

So for starters I am fully aware of the "When you open a link, image or media in a new tab, switch to it immediately" setting, it is turned off. What I want to do is be … (funda kabanzi)

So for starters I am fully aware of the "When you open a link, image or media in a new tab, switch to it immediately" setting, it is turned off.

What I want to do is be able to open new tabs from my bookmarks bar without immediately switching to them. Regardless of middle mouse click or right click and open new tab. Considering the mentioned setting is turned off I would assume that would solve the problem but it hasn't. It has however made it so when I'm browsing or looking through search engine results it doesn't open a new tab right away. But when I have a home/new tab open and am opening tabs from my bookmarks bar, it unfortunately switches to the new tab immediately. I have had this working on a previous install but am stumped as how to replicate.

Any help appreciated, thank you!

Asked by novagriffin14 2 iminyaka edlule

Answered by Dropa 2 iminyaka edlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

When I type in address bar to search, the search result page does not display page address in the address bar.

I am using Firefox 114.0.2 address bar only, no search bar. I do not remember when it was happened, but today when I want to copy and paste page address I found out that … (funda kabanzi)

I am using Firefox 114.0.2 address bar only, no search bar. I do not remember when it was happened, but today when I want to copy and paste page address I found out that address bar did not display the page address as previous version, just display the words I searched as a search bar (if the search bar is enabled, and typed in search bar then push enter, address bar will display address of search result page, and search bar will keep displaying the words in it). I attached my screenshot below. Using another tab and "switch to tab" feature by Firefox, I found out the page address. In my screenshot, I typed "test" and using Google to search (I also tried Bing, Wikipedia and more and all of them have the same problem with their owned link) and the page address should be "https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=test" but even I paste this link into the address bar, it will only display "test" like the pic. I think it is a trim feature but I do not which preference I should edit in about:config. I have set "browser.urlbar.trimURLs" to false for displaying http and www, but it is not work this time.

Asked by 920619lqy 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by TyDraniu 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Disable Tab Search

Recently the V-like icon/button appeared at the right-hand end of the top line of my Firefox windows. This Tab Search could be invaluable to some, but I have no need for… (funda kabanzi)

Recently the V-like icon/button appeared at the right-hand end of the top line of my Firefox windows. This Tab Search could be invaluable to some, but I have no need for it. If I start to get too many tabs I just use another window. However, I click on it constantly when I intend to minimize the window. I have been clicking on the - icon/button in EVERY WINDOWS APPLICATION since Windows began, and as it has ALWAYS been the LEFT-MOST item in the UPPER RIGHT CORNER I haven't had to think about it in decades. But now it isn't the left-most, that is now tab search.

Please, please, PLEASE provide a configuration option to remove Tab Search from the top line.


Roy Harvey Cheshire, CT

Asked by RHinCT 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by TyDraniu 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

lost close button (X) on inactive tabs since version 113 install

Had the line .tab-close-button:not([pinned="true"]) { display: -moz-box !important; } in my userchrome.css which put the close button on all tabs. This no longer … (funda kabanzi)

Had the line

.tab-close-button:not([pinned="true"]) { display: -moz-box !important; }

in my userchrome.css which put the close button on all tabs. This no longer works.

Also there is no Close Button (X) on hover for inactive tabs.

Asked by newddx+mozila 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by Terry 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

how do I remove? How did I put it there to begin with?

Hello, Please tell me how to remove the tab on the far left of the photo. I can close tabs, but this one is permanent. It is there whenever I open up Firefox. How did I … (funda kabanzi)

Hello, Please tell me how to remove the tab on the far left of the photo. I can close tabs, but this one is permanent. It is there whenever I open up Firefox.

How did I even put it there? Thank you

Asked by dsvphd 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

cannot control or manipulate tabs in Firfox latest version

Hello, I have recently noticed that I am no longer able to move any tabs (reorder, move between windows) in Firefox. I cannot reorder tabs within a window, and once a ta… (funda kabanzi)


I have recently noticed that I am no longer able to move any tabs (reorder, move between windows) in Firefox. I cannot reorder tabs within a window, and once a tab is moved out of the window, it cannot be moved back in. I am currently on the latest version (106.0.2) and am very inconvenienced and looking for a solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Asked by junnishi 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Close tab

Right-clicking to close Firefox tab is broken! How - just how- are you supposed to close tabs now? You used to be able to right-click, then close the current tab or ta… (funda kabanzi)

Right-clicking to close Firefox tab is broken!

How - just how- are you supposed to close tabs now?

You used to be able to right-click, then close the current tab or tabs to left and right, which was great, and I used it almost unconciously This useful functionality has disappeared. I am using Win 10 on a desktop PC - and I would really like to be able to close tabs when I have finished with them!

Why have you rendered Firefox almost unuseable!

One very frustrated Firefox user!

Asked by Joan Kemp 7 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cor-el 7 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

How to disable "Switch to Tab"

Same as this question, but the answer is outdated: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/839240 Is there a way to do this in the about:config page? There is an an… (funda kabanzi)

Same as this question, but the answer is outdated: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/839240

Is there a way to do this in the about:config page?

There is an answer about holding `Alt`, but that is a workaround.

Asked by 24michaelpartridge 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Firefox Stuck in Single-Tab Mode

So, a preface. I rarely used this PC of mine, and thus the Firefox is rarely used as well. When i installed it, i turned on the option 'Open previous windows and tabs'. … (funda kabanzi)

So, a preface. I rarely used this PC of mine, and thus the Firefox is rarely used as well. When i installed it, i turned on the option 'Open previous windows and tabs'.

Then, once I opened up some kind of offline documentations from Libre Office or Latex, which opened in Firefox. You know, the one where there is no tab appeared, and it just seems like a single pop-up window. I closed it without thinking.

Long enough, i forgot about that and opened up Firefox only to be met with that docs again. Okay, i closed it. But Firefox always started in this kind of pop-up window style ever since (attached). Changing the preference, even deleting the profile doesn't seem to do a thing.

Any recommendation to return Firefox to its original set?

For information: OS: EndeavourOS with Linux 5.15.94 DE: Xfce 4.18 with Xfwm 4.18 Version: Latest, Firefox 110, installed from Arch Linux repository

Asked by Mard 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by Mard 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Firefox won't load anything

Firefox isn't loading anything, not even the about:configs page, this happened out of nowhere, i tried reinstalling it, restarting it but nothing is solving the problem, … (funda kabanzi)

Firefox isn't loading anything, not even the about:configs page, this happened out of nowhere, i tried reinstalling it, restarting it but nothing is solving the problem, im using the lastest version btw

Asked by supracastrol333 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Missing Tabs Bar

As Firefox was acting up I was going to uninstall and reinstall. It was suggested that I "refresh" it instead. Following that "refresh" my tabs bar is missing. How do I… (funda kabanzi)

As Firefox was acting up I was going to uninstall and reinstall. It was suggested that I "refresh" it instead. Following that "refresh" my tabs bar is missing. How do I get it back? Also now the address bar is below the bookmarks bar. I can live with that but I need the tabs bar. FFOX 120.0.1 on Windows 11

Asked by bebod 8 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cor-el 8 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

how to remove the "how to set your home page" tab that opens every time

I use google as my default firefox home page on my HP laptop. recently a second tab opens at the same time. "how to set the home page" --I've tried closing it and resta… (funda kabanzi)

I use google as my default firefox home page on my HP laptop. recently a second tab opens at the same time. "how to set the home page" --I've tried closing it and restarting the laptop, but it continues to pop up every time I open firefox as a 2nd tab. I am/was happy with my homepage opening to google. How can I get rid of this second tab. thanks

Asked by mmzz02468 3 izinyanga ezidlule

Answered by cor-el 3 izinyanga ezidlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

When Firefox was updated, it lost all of my saved tabs.

This is the first time, that an update lost all of my tabs. Is there a way to access previous sessions, other than the most recent one? I would like to access a session f… (funda kabanzi)

This is the first time, that an update lost all of my tabs. Is there a way to access previous sessions, other than the most recent one? I would like to access a session from last week, and see if I can get my tabs back. I'm very unhappy about this and I've not been able to restore my tabs. The current tabs are place holders, and they do the reflect what I had before the update.

Asked by heddyfran1 2 iminyaka edlule

Answered by Dropa 2 iminyaka edlule

  • Kusonjululiwe
  • Okugcinwe kunqolobane

Prevent tab openning with new version content

Hello, When Firefox updates, a new tab is openned upon the next start, with the new version content or patchnote. I would like to avoid this informative tab. Is there a… (funda kabanzi)


When Firefox updates, a new tab is openned upon the next start, with the new version content or patchnote. I would like to avoid this informative tab.

Is there a way to deactivate it?

Thank you in advance.

Asked by Laurent C. 1 unyaka odlule

Answered by cor-el 1 unyaka odlule