Unable to access My Portfolios, most of the time
sometimes I can access my portfolios by clicking on News or Personal Financing then going to My Portfolios.
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problem still exists
This is not a chatroom. This is a forum. You might have to wait a few days sometimes to get answers.
Probably the profile got damaged. Try the things suggested here.
I don't believe I can perform the tests you mentioned. The bar that starts with Home and includes News etc then Portfolios is the problem bar. Portfolios is the folder that doesn.t always list the contents, I have to click on the other sites & then back to portfolios to get it to open correctly. If you could go into my computer you could readily see the problem. Last nite I had a power failure and the computer was on. This AM problems.
So this is a special toolbar that was installed? Maybe try installing it again. It might have gotten corrupted.
I don't know what happened but it started out working this morning and has been working fine ever since. Only other strange phenomenon is the computer does and Auto Test when I turn it on. Both situations started the same time. It doesn't bother but is strange to me. Thanks for your help. The tool bar has always been on the computer. I don't know where it came from, maybe part of Yahoo.finance.com