Email spell check automatic language in responses
Since Thunderbird version 78, I have a problem with spell check when answering emails. My default language is Spanish, so when answering emails written in Spanish I have no problem. But when I answer an email in English, the Spelling tab has the correct language selected, see image response_spelling_dropdown.png But when I start writing everything is highlighted like it was wrong. After many tests I've discovered that if I right click on the text and check the spelling options, actually Spanish is selected, see image response_spelling_rightclick.png So, if I manually change the pull-down of the first image, first to any other language and then back to English it then works fine (and now the right-click in the text, second image, also shows English selected). As said before, this problem started with version 78. Best regards, Florencia
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Hi again, In my previous post I forgot to say that I use MacOs. Before I was using Mojave. But since I've upgraded MacOS to Big Sur, now spell check stopped working inside the text of the email. It works in the Subject field. Best regards, Florencia