Installing 78.3.2
I have 68.6.0 on my Mac and could not update because there was a problem in the software on the following versions that did not allow and update on Mac's.
If I down load 78.3.2 how do I get all of my emails, folders and address book on this version from my existing version?
I have tried down loading it but the set-up is terrible and convoluted. I have tried keeping my profile and inserting that, but compared to earlier versions of Thundebird the set up is completely unintuitive and what ever you click on does nothing.
In years gone by, you simply removed the new profile and inserted the old one in Finder>Go>Library>Thunderbird> Profile and everything was there. Now it's a mess.
所有回复 (19)
re :I have tried down loading it but the set-up is terrible and convoluted. Not sure what the problem is because nothing has changed.
re:In years gone by, you simply removed the new profile and inserted the old one in Finder>Go>Library>Thunderbird> Profile You would only do that if you were moving from one computer to another. You do not do anything with the profile folders other than create a backup. When you uninstall the previous version of Thunderbird, you should only be uninstalling the program itself not deleting all your profile data at the same time.
The standard method would be:
- Exit Thunderbird.
- create a backup of profile (because since version 68, there is a dedicated profile per installation, so it is handy to have a copy of profile used in a previous version - just in case you want to go back - otherwise it is more complicated to force an allow downgrade.)
- uninstall current version of thunderbird program (this does not include your profile)
- download and install a newer version of Thunderbird
- Start Thunderbird and it auto uses the current default profile modifying some files.
In version 78, all address books get the format changed from .mab files to .sqlite files.
Thanks for your input. What I do not understand is why they reduce the address book to a format that ruins ones own organisation of groups and looks weird? I am quite happy with mab files so, how can I keep these please?
I'm only asking because last time I tried to update I spent a lot of time swapping messages with yourself and a few others who all spent a lot of time trying to coach me through and in the end I had to give up. Eventually I found that there was a software issue that precluded 68.6.1 updating on a Mac and as each update relates through the same route via one;s existing version it has been a lot of wasted time. I'm hoping that Thunderbird has got beyond that issue now so, am trying agin to use a newer version.
I just spent the whole of yesterday trying to migrate to Outlook via IMAP, however, it only managed to moved 6 folders and then refused to move any more even though I was moving all data. It seems having a computer or smartphone requires lot of time/effort to keep working optimally. :)
> how can I keep these [.mab] please?
No, you cannot. .mab is not being used in version 78 and newer - it is dead.
Thanks. I have now purchased a professional data extractor tool and am going to jump ship to Outlook as, I have just used up too much time over the years keeping up with the inconsistencies within Thunderbird. I have enjoyed it to to a large extent, but the lack of security and the amount of time it takes to resolve anything has taken its toll.
Toad Hall
I have spent two days playing around with an extractor tool and got as far as exporting data files from Thunderbird to My Documents on my Mac and then importing them into Outlook, however, I cannot open the files so, am looking at trying to update my Thunderbird again..
I know that you have helped me try and do this in the past and I put a lot of effort in, and you pout a lot of effort in, however, I can get 78.3.3 going, but I never end up with my plentiful folders, only the basic inbox, sent, trash etc, I get those emails as soon as I set it up..
Again, today it kept doing what it did in the past when it reloads everytime I start my computer or quit Thunderbird.
What I need is someone in the UK that I can phone that can talk me through this whole procedure, because it is driving me mad. I have used Thunderbird 17 years or so and never had a problem that I could not resolve until the software glitch that stopped Mac's updating in the normal way on 68.60.
Do you know anyone in the UK that could me please? I may be able to phone the uSA, but need to check if I can do that with my current broadband/phone deal.
Many thanks
I don't see how a phone call would be a better means of communicating whatever issue you're having. After reading through past threads in which you were asking pretty much the same thing (update to higher TB version), I have one question. How are you going about the following steps?
1. Uninstall the current outdated TB version from your Mac 2. Install the latest TB version
Give step by step explanations of how you're doing the two procedures listed above. In one of your old threads, it seems you were trying to install a higher TB version without Quiting and uninstalling the existing TB from your Mac. It also seems the higher TB version is starting with a fresh profile (this is expected IF you insist on keeping the old TB version while installing and launching the new version), which you set up your account afresh instead of launching the already existing profile used by previous version, and the result is that your many folders do not show up (of course they don't, because they are on the old profile while you're setting up and using a new profile). It also seems you are launching TB directly from the mounted dmg file instead of actually installing it by dragging it to Applications, and you're repeatedly doing it so you think you have to do it over and over every time you Quit TB or reboot your Mac.
Hi Stan
Last couple of times that I got onto this some time ago it got to the point where I was being asked to take screenshots of every single step of step of the process, which is just too much as if I do not know what I am doing. If Thunderbird had re-written the faulty code on 68.6.1 I would not have had to go through this whole palaver on my iMac. So, the issue is in-house and not helpful from that point of view.
Regardless of how anyone interprets what I did this is what I did:
1) place the current profile on my desktop in case of emergency.
2) delete Thunderbird from Applications.
3) download newer version.
4) drag Thunderbird into Applications.
5) open Thunderbird.
6) if you delete mounter at this stage (which I have been advised by everyone it seems on this community) it ruins the viability of the situation as, every time you quit Thunderbird or restart your Mac you have to re-install Thunderbird again each time.
7) so, I then choose my existing profile from the profile manager and it opens with obviously a new profile plus my existing one.
8) My existing basics: inbox, sent, trash download from my email server, however, my many folders that I have created are nowhere to be seen.
So, each time I end having to go back into recovery mode on my Mac and re-install an earlier time from TimeMachine backups as, once you have installed a new version you cannot just go into Applicatios>TimeMachine > and get an earlier time/day as the new installations prevents that working as it would before the new installation.
Hughmoz said
Last couple of times that I got onto this some time ago it got to the point where I was being asked to take screenshots of every single step of step of the process, which is just too much as if I do not know what I am doing. If Thunderbird had re-written the faulty code on 68.6.1 I would not have had to go through this whole palaver on my iMac. So, the issue is in-house and not helpful from that point of view. Regardless of how anyone interprets what I did this is what I did: 1) place the current profile on my desktop in case of emergency. 2) delete Thunderbird from Applications. 3) download newer version. 4) drag Thunderbird into Applications. 5) open Thunderbird. 6) if you delete mounter at this stage (which I have been advised by everyone it seems on this community) it ruins the viability of the situation as, every time you quit Thunderbird or restart your Mac you have to re-install Thunderbird again each time. 7) so, I then choose my existing profile from the profile manager and it opens with obviously a new profile plus my existing one. 8) My existing basics: inbox, sent, trash download from my email server, however, my many folders that I have created are nowhere to be seen. So, each time I end having to go back into recovery mode on my Mac and re-install an earlier time from TimeMachine backups as, once you have installed a new version you cannot just go into Applicatios>TimeMachine > and get an earlier time/day as the new installations prevents that working as it would before the new installation.
Clearly, the outcome of your attempt to install a newer TB version is not bearing the expected outcome, which is why you're getting asked to provide screenshots or step by step explanations of what you're doing vis a vis the instructions given. This arises because the instructions for manually installing a specific version of TB on MacOS have NOT changed in any way. While the automatic update process may not succeed each time as expected for whatever reason, and we've seen similar cases on Windows as well, the manual install/update process is a viable and easy workaround which should get you up to the version you want without any of the issues you're constantly having. Getting stuck on the notion that the auto-update failure is a bug in the code that should be fixed is not helpful either, because the workaround is a proven solution that should only take you a few clicks to accomplish, unless there's a part of that process that you keep doing wrong.
The fact is that we're not getting similar reports of MacOS users getting stuck on 68.6.1. Lot's of users are already on v78, including myself, and like you, I had to use the manual update process to move from v68 to v78 because v78 was NOT getting offered as an update to v68. After mounting the v78 dmg image and dragging Tbird to Applications, Tbird should appear in Launcher and you can eject and delete the dmg file without affecting the installed TB, which is what I do a lot because I don't need the dmg files anymore after installing TB. Since this is not the case for you, there is only one logical conclusion, and that is, there must be a serious underlying problem with your MacOs installation and you should strongly consider re-imaging your iMac (reinstall the OS) and start fresh. I don't see why an installed version of TB doesn't persist after restarting the app or system. In fact, I don't see the need to use recovery to revert back to the previous version, because all it would have taken is to use that previous version's dmg file available here https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/ if the system was in good health and the installed TB actually remained in Applications.
My iMac is only 18 months old and runs like a dream. It has no problems with any other software and had a clean install.. With any other software that I have ever used it makes no difference if you keep the installer mounted or not and in fact most downloads of that nature ask you if you want to put the installer in the Bin. Thunderbird does not ask this. If you put it in the bin before you have opened thunderbird (new version) from the Dock stops not running normally if you quit it after running it or restarting. As I say, it only loads my basic inbox, sent and trash items from my server when I connects to my email account.
The link that you kindly provided only goes to a list of versions. If one clicks on the actual version it just goes to a further lists of directories and a further list, but it does not appear to do anything at all other than show lists.
18 months is a long time for OS to get hosed. It only takes a moment to break a system or software, so it doesn't really matter how long it has been. Also, we're talking about TB's installer and NOT any other software. The process is as follows and won't change no matter how many times it's restated:
1. Quit TB via the menu or Dock. Whichever way you do it, TB must stop running and there should be no TB icon on the dock. If you still have an icon on the Dock, then TB is still running.
2. Uninstall TB (delete it from Applications).
3. Download and mount TB's dmg (installer) file. Drag TB to Applications. Don't launch TB via the mounted image. Why would you want to do that WHEN the idea is to INSTALL it and access it via Applications or Launcher? Is TB NOT available in Launcher or Applications after doing this?
4. Unmount/Eject TB's dmg and launch TB via the Launcher. Bin the dmg file, you don't need it anymore, its job is done. The installer doesn't have to tell you to bin it. Is TB NOT available in Launcher or Applications after doing this?
5. Go to Troubleshooting Information > about:profiles and confirm the right profile folder is in use. Make changes if necessary. The About Profiles page is the modern Profile Manager. If you prefer to use the command-line version of the Profile Manager, so be it, as long as you're launching the right profile. Launching your existing profile should NOT take you through the account setup process as if you're starting afresh. If you're seeing the setup wizard and a blank profile, then you're launching the wrong profile.
Should I not save a copy of the profile of my existing 68.6.0 on my desktop 1st?
Hughmoz said
Should I not save a copy of the profile of my existing 68.6.0 on my desktop 1st?
It's not necessary, but it's wise to ALWAYS have a backup copy of your profile folder. Make sure you Quit TB first and its NOT running in the background before you copy the profile folder, to avoid partially backing up the profile because TB was running and had some files locked in use.
All went well and I got all my folders on board, but there were two Thunderbird icons on Dock. I quit the non working one and then checked that the one on the dock opened up again after closing Thunderbird. All fine. Then I look in applications and the Thunderbird icon is an alias. I click on I and it goes back to re-install.
Try again. This time, remove ALL TB icons from the Dock, Launchpad, Applications or ANY other folder. There should be NOTHING TB anywhere on your system, except the profile folder of course. There should be nothing that launches TB or its installer after performing step 2.
Hi Stan
I have tried it again and again, which takes forever as, I have to keep downloading the dmg each time. It gets to the same place that I got last time I had a good go at it 18 months ago or whatever it's before. Often it loads from the dmg as Alias. Sometimes I get the proper Thunderbird image, but as soon as I choose my default in the profile manager and then I click on relaunch in a new browser it opens as it should, which is exactly what I explained 128 months ago.
You can then use Thunderbird, however, if you quit it on the Dock or restart Mac and open Thunderbird again from Applications it starts the whole set up again.
Cannot put screenshots here as " Add images" only allows one picture through Screenshots below.
And yet I can get my old 68.6.0 back and it works perfectly except for it seems f=different email in say Inbox, my email address and Local folders as if they are in different universes, same in Sent and Trash.
Hello there Hugmoz. We have read your message we try to help you.
Installing78.3.2 Greetings Firefox volunteer.
由День сумо于
I already have someone helping me thanks.
Hello there again. Hugmoz.
How is your Mac? its certainly a good one machine? Greetings firefox volunteer.
由День сумо于
All sorted now. Stan sorted it out for me. Many thanks.