Vertical Scroll bar next to a page's vertical scroll bar, cannot catch with a mouse to use, it appear as thin as a line drawn with a very sharp pencil
Please is there somewhere I can make all the vertical scroll bars , that I can use with Chrome and other browsers, usable in Firefox? I know how to make the one on the edge of the tab on the RHS fatter, in the about:config using widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style = 4 , but not one that is inside a "box" on that page adjacent to the RHS. I can just see the line in that box, but if I approach it with a mouse it covered by the scroll bar on the edge of the tab.
Please is there somewhere I can make all the vertical scroll bars , that I can use with Chrome and other browsers, usable in Firefox? I know how to make the one on the edge of the tab on the RHS fatter, in the about:config using widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style = 4 , but not one that is inside a "box" on that page adjacent to the RHS. I can just see the line in that box, but if I approach it with a mouse it covered by the scroll bar on the edge of the tab.