Just giving thanks....
Hey there. I just wanted to tell you thank you for your products, service to the people and for a vision that in my opinion plays fair with the opposing team. All throughout Some other terms of service, privacy policy and or websites are so many do not, can not and will not or off with ur head I disown you references but on Firefox the focus was primarily worded and geared towards keeping it's user's safe when online not baggering the act repeatedly or handing down judgments for acts done in situations not even God would judge. He could but doesnt or wont Didn't really belittle anyone or hostile condemn certain acts online cause where's the love in that. Anyways it's my belief that man's intent is generally good. A Badoutcome may be the result but his intent surly meant well even if it's In ways the average soul couldn't understand. I could go on and on but won't. Thanks again and please let us not forget he who created us. May the sun and moon shine favorably on all of God's people this day if it be his will to do so and it is cause I will it... he will it to. Head bump. I luv u and thank u for loving me to. In Jesus christ name I pray and hoot and Hollar Amen
Let peace be our greatest aim in his way :)