Contact mail to mozilla developers/support team
Good day, first of all I'd like to appologize because I cant seem to find any dev/support email on the main website mozilla.org so I'd like to request that if possible. This is a long read, partially why I didnt want to discuss this here but alas I have no other choice since contanting anyone from this company was unsuccessful on my part. However, since, as I assume, the devs are hiding for reasons that should be a surprise to nobody, I'd like to point out a few problems that I have encountered with using this browser, or pretty much ANY browser in this day and age.
As you all know, browsers take up a big chunk of memory when loading multiple websites. In fact, I assume that most of you have at least 8G of RAM so you might not notice the things I will be talking about here.
The thing I'd like to talk to someone about, and I really mean someone who might be competent in solving this issue, becouse this isnt only a technical issue, but a user-ignorance-enabled-compliance issue. Recently, I have decided to secure my computer a bit more due to various cyber-threat alerts and whatnot and came across `firejail` which is a neat program to sandbox applications. I then made sure to start firefox through it. Then I went one step futher and decided that the constant swapping from having 4 tabs open and having my computer brought to a screetching halt, was enough of an issue that I finally decided to do something about it. To my surprise, firefox simply, would not start, unless, I gave it at least 2700MB of memory AND 300 (yes 300) subprocesses/forks for it to function. This problem was repated on chromium too, but I wont talk about it since this is the mozilla website. Mind you, I have an old computer with a max of 3,2G of RAM and a humble Core2Duo CPU. 99% of programs do not have any issues with my low specs, except of course, browsers in general. Now before anyone suggest I get a new computer, let me suggest something to you:
How about you learn how to fucking do your job? It isn't enough, that the wave of javascript confused web-monkeys fancy themselves as programmers of the modern age, when they need to pull megabytes upon megabytes of javascript code from 10 different sources for their hello-world grade "enterpreneur" landing pages with 10 different popups to even start considering to work on something (jQuery, React, Vue, whatever-else the f*ck you m*rons use) But we also have to deal with programs, that, for some strange reason, thing they require half, if not all the concievable resources of the machine they run on. No wonder that in todays world, people refer to these programs as malware, bloatware or spyware, depending on what the program is sending about you to servers you have no idea about, but you could get an idea if you just intercept the packets firefox is sending for example.
So, after that little went I will let you meditate on the following fact: When I run firefox with the limit of 3GB and 300 max subprocesses and open facebook, it crashes after a few minutes. LinkedIn Survives a little longer. Now that is a fact, you can test it yourself. Here is the code I use to start firefox:
firejail --rlimit-nproc=300 --nice=5 --cpu=0 --rlimit-as=3000m firefox %u
The `nice` part means to treat firefox with very low priority. This is to prevent my computer from hanging or swapping, by opening a few tabs and facebook or linkedin, and that is not a joke. I am aware that placing it so low on the prio list can cause issues but i did that after I had those issues. So no. I wont change it.
And I dont even comment on the flickering and graphical glitches that occur, simply because firefox doesnt have more than 3Gigs of address space! ITS RIDICULOUS! I wont attach any pictures as of yet, but I might in the future if you really want to see webpages just falling apart in front of you. And I mean it. ghosting characters (screen glitching/duplicating) pictures just randomly disappearing based on your mouse position (yes seriously) and then reappearing just when your cursor is in the sweet spot. Sometimes I have to scroll to find the sweet spot to see the pictures.
Now, mind you, this applies to pretty much any browser. I am just re-iterating this point because I want people who actually read this to be clear that this is more of an issue with the coding habbits people came to be accustomed to.
First question I'd like answered, besides how we got to the absolute clusterf*ck that is the modern web, how does a website, take up 3G+ of RAM? why would I need 8G of RAM just to browse the internet, when roughly 10+ years ago, I only needed 2G and that was enough to browse any website with many tabs and flash-powered videogames to run smoothly PLUS a simple 3D videogame rendering on top of that, on an intel pentium 4 or older? And 2g was considered a lot back then (maybe not exactly but you get my point). I hope I am not the only one noticing this trend. Because this is a very concerning trend. Needless to say about the countless problems people experience these days due to cyber attacks and data breaches and whatnot.
Second question is this: Is it possible, for you people at mozilla, to reduce your applications memory footprint? say, down to a few hundred. If not, I want to know why. And really explain it in detail to me, all the programming aspects of it. Because I honestly do not see any reason why a web-browser, should take up more than 1g, and that is being generous.
Third question: Will you, or anyone, ever care about fast and efficient software? You want to support people in poor countries yet you ship THIS? You want to support developing countries, when your software effectively forces them to invest in expensive machines to even browse the web? Don't kid yourselves, you arent helping anyone. If you were selling 4g i5 cpu laptops to your browser alone, I wouldnt be surprised. Because that is the absolute minimum one has to get to "check their emails" RIDICULOUS!
Fourth question: Did you ever think about how people were developing whole video-games with only a few kilobytes of ram and the games, well, worked? Your browser cant live in a low-budget environment. It wont even start. Or are we planing to send children in africa alien-ware laptops so that they can register an email address? "ooh boy it better have the newest GPU GeForce RTX 3080 TURBO X, 128Gs of RAM and i78000 with 10Thz too so that I can play me some FLASH(Unity WebGL) GAMES"
I am done with my complaint, I will be copy-pasting this to chrome developers too. I know you wont do anything about this, because if it really mattered, you would have done something about it already. And you didnt. And you wont.
Have a wonderful day.
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The people who answer questions here, for the most part, are other users volunteering their time (like me), not Mozilla employees or Firefox developers. If you want to leave feedback for Firefox developers, you can go to the Firefox Help menu and select Submit Feedback... or use this link. Your feedback gets collected by a team of people who read it and gather data about the most common issues.
You can also file a bug report or feature request. See File a bug report or feature request for Mozilla products for details.
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The people who answer questions here, for the most part, are other users volunteering their time (like me), not Mozilla employees or Firefox developers. If you want to leave feedback for Firefox developers, you can go to the Firefox Help menu and select Submit Feedback... or use this link. Your feedback gets collected by a team of people who read it and gather data about the most common issues.
You can also file a bug report or feature request. See File a bug report or feature request for Mozilla products for details.
didnt help, still cant find a support email on neither the link you provided nor the website it leads to its all a bunch of crowdcity nonsense. I want the link DIRECTLY to the devs/support team. thanks for wasting time with me
gordon.zar said
didnt help, still cant find a support email on neither the link you provided nor the website it leads to its all a bunch of crowdcity nonsense. I want the link DIRECTLY to the devs/support team. thanks for wasting time with me
So you think you should get one on one support by email, chat or phone as how much did you pay for the desktop Firefox web browser?.
It would be too costly for Mozilla to have the call centres that would be needed for a free to download and use (and build from source yourself) web browser. Mozilla did try out at a couple options a long time ago by way of paid phone and email support by third parties but they did not last long. None of the other free to use web browsers have one on one support.